Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ben Baker issues irresponsible comments following Trump shooting


"They just tried to take him out."

You might think that was a KZRG comment following today's assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

And don't get me wrong, there were plenty of comments like that on KZRG's Facebook page.

This one, however, came from an elected official- Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho, on his X (formerly Twitter) account.

Baker's attempt to make it sound like everyone who backs President Biden is behind the shooting conveniently leaves out the fact that it was only one person who did the shooting.

At this point, no one has said anything about anyone else being involved.

If that were the only comment Baker made that was irresponsible, it would be easy to overlook it.

"The left has once again overplayed its hand. Biden called for this on July 8," Baker commented.

Baker did not elaborate on his comment. He was referring to a comment Biden made saying it was time "to put the bullseye on Trump." It was an unfortunate choice of words, but Baker knows full well Biden wasn't calling for Trump's assassination. He was saying it was time to make the election about Trump.

Our language is full of colorful, descriptive terms that perhaps need to be retired. Biden picked the wrong one at the wrong time.

Baker knows that. I would hope he also knows that this would be an opportune time to tone down his rhetoric.


Anonymous said...

Trump 2024! Sleepy Joe Must Go,

Anonymous said...

If Trump had made the "bullseye" comment about Biden, then an assassination attempt occurred, you can't tell me people on the left wouldn't be saying the exact same thing. So sick and tired of the hypocrisy!

Anonymous said...

It happened before with some bs about Sarah Palin or something like that when Gabby Giffords was shot by a mentally ill leftist. That's "D" ifferent though you know. They've been calling Trump literally Hitler for 7 years and act all shocked when someone takes a shot at him. FOH with this irresponsible comments by a republican BS.

Anonymous said...

If Democrats did not have double standards they would have no standards at all.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Trumo is horrible! What happened to sides working for the best of the country, not their party? President Trump cannot refer to people without insults. His rhetoric brings out the worst in people and does not allow the true lifeline of our country to shine- compromise. Look over our country- greatness came from political compromise. Name calling and division will not work. If your reply is "those_____." You are a part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

This is just an example. Thank you for illustrating the point. Can't make a point without an insult.

Anonymous said...

810 is nothing more than a magat flamethrower. No substance, just temporary false sense of heat.

Anonymous said...

Isn't BAKER A REPUBLICAN Representative? I Guarantee I Will. Not Vote for Him! He's a Rhìno Not a REPUBLICAN! Glad I found out now instead of Later@

Anonymous said...

7:12 PM American politics and the two party system have been hypocritical since the beginning of this country. We know that this is some crazed lunatic that shot him and not Biden's doing, and we know the "bullseye" comment is unrelated. If we flip the scenario and Biden was shot and Trump made a "bullseye" comment, it would still be a crazed lunatic and not Trump's doing, the comment would still be unrelated, and people claiming Trump is behind it would still be irresponsible idiots. My point is that nearly everybody is hypocritical when it comes to our country's politics, and those people aren't worth listening to.

Anonymous said...

10:02 AM He registered as a Republican in September of 2021, far before Trump even announced his 2024 presidential campaign. He was also wearing the shirt of a right-wing YouTube channel about guns.

Anonymous said...

1002 almost made through his diatribe without an inflammatory comment. I was holding on with great anticipation, but alas, disappointment eventually ensued. And so, in our miniscule minds, tribalism marches on and consumes our every thought and belief, even as our eventual demise is right in front of us

Anonymous said...

That’s kind of hilarious when you consider that everyone who hypothesizes that this event was staged is shouted down by the right crying “hOw DaRe YoU, sOmEoNe DIED!”, as if those on the right haven’t been slinging allegations that Sandy Hook and its 20+ casualties was a performance for the past 12 years. Get a new line.

Anonymous said...

Which part triggered you? I'll make a note.

Anonymous said...

That's weird, I have a shirt that says Baja, California on it. I've never been there. Now let me think.. What would I wear to a Trump rally if I wanted to fit in? Probably not a rainbow flag cape.

Anonymous said...

Trumps classified document case just got dropped by a judge he appointed. Here it is people, this is what to expect from here on out: authoritarianism and a president that is above the law. The end of democracy is near.

Anonymous said...

This is a Tragedy, No one should be targeted and shot at for their Political beliefs.

I don't care what anyone says the Secret Service, FBI, State and Local Pennsylvania Police and Authorities - were not prepared and were running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

They Failed to Secure the Parameter, Failed to Provide an Adequate Plan - and was clearly ill Trained and Prepared for any situation like this - I am surprised that this had not happened previously to the President and Former Presidents.

I am all about giving jobs based on the best person for the job whether Male or Female, but those Female Secret Service Agents (And Please Watch the Complete Video, were over their Heads), how can you Protect someone whey you are 5'3", one Chubby Brunette Secret Service - Woman was trying to pull her gun out by his Suburban and Re-Holster it and it took about 8-Tries - like she had never drawn her gun before, another was twirling around and around by the Suburban - what were they doing. The Candidates need the Best Protection - Not Employment Quotas to look good.

This is because Biden and the Democrats doesn't want the Best Candidate for the Job - but wants to meet his Quota of putting people in Jobs they are not Prepared for - Like Kamala Harris, his Vice President, so he would appoint the first African-American and first Asian-American, and Kimberly A. Cheatle, Director of Secret Service - which once this Investigation gets done - she will be Probably Removed - for Incompetence.

Anonymous said...

For some extraordinary reason, there appears several entries removed from this thread. It appears our new reality in authoritism applies at all levels.

Anonymous said...

Biden's was thrown out because he's senile. Where was that energy then?

Anonymous said...

827 is a disgusting example of right wing misogyny and racial intolerance. This comment probably will not be accepted because it confronts that ignorance. Too sad it's OK for 827 to have an unobstructed voice of hatred in this transforming world of authoritism.

Randy said...

Anonymous 8:27- No comments have been removed. If you don't see them here, I rejected them and they were never posted.

Anonymous said...

12:55PM - Why is it Right Wing Misogyny or Racist or Hatred - to want the Best working for you, would you want the Best Surgeon to Operate on you or your Family Members - or would you want someone who was hired to meet Quota??? I should not even have to ask that question since it is so dumb!

Why would you want Secret Service Agents that are 5'3, guarding a 6'3", Mr. Trump, who could not shield or cover the President and just jumps around in front of them or one that could not draw her gun out or put it back 8-times - - Watch the Complete Video of what occurred - with the Detail of Female Agents - this does not make me anything except Honest...

There are two Genders - Male and Female, even though some Groups know say there are up to 72-Different Gender Identities - anyway (another story on that) - there are certain things that the Original 2-Genders can overlap on and do and some that they cannot, but no one should lesson the qualifications of one group and force them to accept less than should be able to do for the job. This is one of the many things wrong - today - we have Quotas, of who we can hire, we cannot hire the Best - the government - requires Quotas, gives Tax Breaks on meeting these Quotas - Forces Educational Institutions to give Grants, Scholarships, not on Highest GPA's or Need, but on Quotas - is that fair??? NO!!!

If I have a Position in my Company - I want the Best for the Position - Female or Male, I don't care - based on the job requirements.

Anonymous said...

Randy - I think in your Comments of 4:23PM you are intending to Reference the Remarks of the Party at 12:47PM, about several entries being remove and not the Comments of 8:27AM, discussing the inadequacy of the Secret Service.

Anonymous said...

Is 12:55 Implying that men are more qualified than women when it comes to firearms? That's just silly.

Anonymous said...

Entirely implying that 827 and 806 are misogynistic and unequivocally intolerant of anything not white and male.

Anonymous said...

10:40AM and 1:09PM - Shooting a Standing Target is one thing, being able to Tackle and Defend against a larger individual being 5'3" is just ridiculous - that is NOT - misogynistic or unequivocally intolerant - that is being honest - Sometimes Size Matters - - In Boxing, MMA, Sports, Etc., - Genders do differ - whether you want to understand or not - that is why there are basic separations -

WATCH - The Video of the Short haired Brunette Secret Service Agent by the Black Suburban - - She Tried 8-Times to Clear her Holster - Couldn't do it and then once she did - she could not put it back in. She would have been Shot and/or Trump would have been Shot - had they had to depend on her to defend him. Or the Blonde - Jumping up around Trump on the Podium and then almost falling down or the other agent turning circles by the Surburban -

This is just one of the many fallacies of this Assassination Attempt.

Again, Biden Appointed - Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, because he wants to be known as the Quota - King - but keeps putting people in positions that they are extremely unqualified. If you looked at her Resume - - You wouldn't believe that she is the Director.

Simple Question - If you or your Family Member - Needed an Operation - would you want the "BEST SURGEON" or would you like to have the one that got into Medical School on Quotas or just Barely Graduated Medical School - - You see the Medical Degree, hanging on their wall doesn't show their - GPA / Class Rankings / Transcript - Just that they Passed and Got a Diploma!!! This has nothing to do with Male or Female - Who is the Best - Not Second Best, or Third Best - or the Bottom of the Class - I would personally want the BEST!!!

Why Didn't Trump have the BEST - -

Prior to her appointment, Ms. Cheatle served as Senior Director in Global Security at PepsiCo, where she was responsible for directing and implementing security protocols for the company's facilities in North America. Her role at PepsiCo involved developing risk management assessment and risk mitigation strategies. I am sure the entire Team at Pepsi - Slept Well - - Since Coca Cola - was trying to get them...

Before joining PepsiCo, she served with distinction for 27 years in the U.S. Secret Service, most recently as Assistant Director of the Office of Protective Operations. In this position, Ms. Cheatle managed a $133.5M budget and collaborated with ten operational divisions and the Technical Security Division to research, develop and deploy technologies that reduce risks to protectees, protected facilities, and protected events.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 719 probably believes the Apollo missions and landing on the moon was a hoax. 719 might be one of, if not, the most disturbing entries on TR I've ever read. The intimate details and over the top interest of how he's followed these secret service women, (who by the way, put the life of trump before their own) gives the look of a stalker with conspiracy issues. Truly pathological.

Mat & Michelle Clark said...

Honest comments are not irresponsible. Not too long ago, Lea DeLaria (if you don't recognize the name, Google it) posted a video calling on Joe Biden to have Donald Trump murdered.