Monday, July 08, 2024

Carthage residents to vote on removal of council member Tiffany Cossey

A recall petition drive to have Carthage City Council Fifth District Councilwoman Tiffany Cossey recalled has been successful in placing the issue on the November ballot.

Earlier today, petition organizers turned in 37 signatures to reach the required 508, according to KSN.

The petition drive was organized after Cossey led an effort that saw the resignation of City Attorney Nate Dally, the firing of City Administrator Greg Dagnan and the current attempt to impeach and remove Mayor Dan Rife.


Anonymous said...

This could be interesting!

Anonymous said...

There are already too many elected karen magats in the world, ie. Moscow Margery taylor green and boobert, the vaping groper from colorado. This one needs to go as well.

Anonymous said...

I think this clearly shows that - No Politician is above being Recalled and Removed from their Office, when they do not follow the Guidelines and Wishes of the Majority of their Constituents and Blatantly thumb their Nose and Act on their Own Agenda.

If the American Public would utilize the Recall Option with other Politicians / Judges / Etc., - Across all Party Lines - that, they Feel has Abandoned their Constituents - then we would Truly have a Government based on the Wants of the Majority of the Constituents who Voted.

So Get Out and Vote - and if these Politicians Fail to Follow thru on their Promises, then Recall them.

Anonymous said...

The Carthage Citizens United might find out they and their continual tilting at weindmills aren't nearly as popular as they think they are!

If she loses the recall election will she be a sore loser?

Anonymous said...

Win or lose, it’s kinda too late for our poor community. The public perception in and around Southwest Missouri is that Carthage is not the place to live or work let alone hold a position of leadership. The community lacks trust in its elected officials and the people they have appointed to be in positions of leadership. Qualified candidates are refusing to apply for opportunities here due to the dysfunctional city government and now I was told today one of economic development opportunity who has walked away due to the mess. It is a public relations nightmare and the public image (perception) is as low now as I can ever recall.

Anonymous said...

Republican dysfunction at its magat best.

Anonymous said...

5:17PM - It is easy to throw stones at glass houses, but look at the Cities controlled by the Democrats - Take St. Louis, take Kansas City and all of California - - Talk about Dysfunctional, High Crime, Violence, Poverty, Shootings all the Time, Top Murder Cities in the Country, High Drug and Alcohol Consumption, Housing Issues, High Homeless Rates, Industries leaving, High Unemployment, Police and Fireman Low Morale, because the City Governments won't allow them to deal with the issues, they are facing day-to-day on those streets.

There are parts of St. Louis and Kansas City - that you do not want to drive thru after dark - these Missouri Cities under Democratic Control have become War-Zones.

So, while you Focus on a Couple Small Republican Cities in Southwest Missouri - Maybe you should look at a Bigger Picture of Democratic Cities - and how truly these Democratic Mayors and Councils are Running and Turning them into Third-World Areas - where No one wants to Live or Work.

Gripe and Complain all you want - about the Republicans, but look past your Nose and see the Big Picture - The Truth, in our Country - and How you Dems are Truly Ruining Society for anyone that wants an Opportunity to Aspire to Greater things - Not just Collect a Check and Live off the Government - which is Living off of Hardworking Taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I’d be curious how many on the people who signed the petition, participated in the last election…

Anonymous said...

All you do is tell lies

Anonymous said...

Not sure why Walter Mitty has been left out of the bloviating...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are correct 731, those are democratic cities who, by the way, are under the control of magat state funding formulas. Seems to me that this is a conflict of interest: magats wanting dems to fail so they can use the optics to campaign on, while dems do everything they can to prevent social breakdown with what little financial resources they receive.
Magats relish the idea of social suffering, climate destruction, and general overall chaos. Educate yourself to the truth 731. Your excessive anger can be used for more useful things.

Anonymous said...

Cities are much more a function of their planning than their politics, except where politics prevents planning, like Missouri. KC police are under state control.