Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What Ben Baker wants to do to Kamala Harris

It's not often I say this, but I totally agree with Ben Baker.

I usually attend the Newton County Republican Watermelon Feed, but I was working on the Turner Report Newsletter last night and it totally slipped my mind.

I picked the wrong year not to go.

Republican candidates for county and statewide offices were each given three minutes to speak. One of the minor candidates for secretary of state, Valentina Gomez, after using her time to attack corruption in the party had her microphone taken away from her by Newton County GOP Chairman Nick Myers when she started to go past the three-minute mark, even though it was apparent she was in the final sentence.

Gomez immediately went on social media and said Myers had violated her First Amendment rights and committed election interference when he took the microphone from her.

Apparently, Gomez does not understand that in order for it to be a First Amendment violation, the government has to be doing it, not the master of ceremonies at a political function. The election interference part is also laughable.

And that's where Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho, comes in.

Baker, a social media watchdog who is quick to notice when women get out of line, set the record straight in a post on X.

Sick of the gimmicks in politics. Be real or don’t run. Candidate gives speech on “corrupt lying politicians” and then immediately puts out a video lying about the event she spoke at. 

The truth is (I was there) MO Republican party chairman Nick Myers took the microphone from several candidates who apparently lack self control at the Newton Co Republican event in my district because they went over the AGREED time limit. Happens every year. 

Grow up, get some life experience, maybe learn how to be a decent person before you run for office and ask the good people of Missouri for your vote. Oh and we don’t need shock factor TikTok stars we need people of character and principle to represent We The People.

Baker is absolutely right.

I'll give you a moment to recover from that. I know in the past I have been critical of Rep. Baker and I am sure I will be again.

In fact, now is the time.

Consider what Baker said. "Learn how to be a decent person before you run for office and ask the good people of Missouri for your vote. Oh, and we don't need shock factor Tik Tok stars. We need people of character and principal to represent We The People."

I wonder if Baker is referring to the same kind of shock factor he and his fellow podcasters reached for on the April 15 version of their podcast The Mancave Caucus.

If the podcast name gives you the idea Baker and his friends indulge in frat boy behavior, you can forget that thought- that's an insult to frat boys.

During the April 15 episode, a discussion begins at the 50:48 mark in which Baker and friends talk about a product available in a Trump gift shop called "Pee-Litical," a motion-activated target light that enables real he-men to urinate on projected images of President Biden and other political figures.

Baker and the boys quickly abandoned Biden and were almost giddy with joy at the idea of streaming something besides their podcast at Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.

At least now we have our definitions straight.

According to Ben Baker, Valentina Gomez isn't "a decent person."

Apparently, in his book, decent people talk about urinating on an image of the person who may be the first woman president of the United States.


Anonymous said...

Taking a piss on a projected image is a joke. Karens get pissed off at these petty grievances. You’re reaching for a pisser of a story. Smh

Anonymous said...

Urinating on women is a real sexual thing that men who want to prove domince like to do. The fact that their preference of target is a woman of color speaks volumes about their "decency".

Anonymous said...

The misogyny runs deep in that party. Just witnessed trump become completely unhinged by being questioned by a woman of color at the NACJ conference. A repulsive demonstration of racist bigotry and narcissistic pathology. Where are the decent white people in this country to denounce the deplorable behavior of a 34x convicted racist felon?

Anonymous said...

9:04 always race with you fools, so what color/race is she, well she’s a Dim so sometimes it’s Indian, sometimes it’s African American( I hate even typing this because that is such a BS thing), and sometimes it’s Latino. Now the a big breath and exhale and realize she is a liar, race baiter etc. That’s all this German,Russian,Polish,Asian,Native American has to say about that.

See how ridiculous this is

Anonymous said...

How do people claim Ben is such a good Christian after hearing his podcasts? He and people like him turn people away from Christianity. If you watch his transformation over time in how he has so tried to become just like the Don Jr you have to wonder when he will introduce us all to his Kim?

Anonymous said...

Sorry 529, you've been fooled in believing another republican lie. Republicans have no answer to Harris' immediate popularity and positive hope for the future of the country. When your platform is fear and division to supplant the absence of meaningful legislation, all you have left is red meat hatred and false narratives for your minions to follow. I think you've got a seat on that bus 529.

Anonymous said...

After the way Trump has been treated (along with being shot in the ear) I dont blame him for anything he does. The other side is 10 times worse. It shouldnt be that way on either side, but it is.

Anonymous said...

Trump should be presently incarcerated for his crimes of sexual assault, fraud, and insurrection. He's no victim, rather he's a threat to us all.

Anonymous said...

Ben baker, Marjorie Taylor green, Lauren boobert. These people aren't the problem, the fools who voted them in are. As a business owner, in no way would I start or move a business to their districts. Hard to find good intelligent workers in places like that.

Anonymous said...

There's no need for Missouri's Republicans to settle for a fake hillbilly butthole like JD Vance when they already have Ben Baker who is a real hillbilly butthole.

Anonymous said...

Both Baker and Gomez are demonstrably awful people.

Anonymous said...

I would pick malaria over the plastic lipped screaming botox queen. Yes I would.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you people? Electing deplorables is your fault. Whether it's trump and his Russian golden showers or baker learning how to accurately aim at his prepubescent tinkle targets. I blame all you pathetic losers for putting these urinary infections in office.

Anonymous said...

From a Biden supporter that didn’t know he was out of his mind, your opinion means nothing to me

Anonymous said...

Russian golden showers, sexual assault, insurrections, Kamala "organically" going from the least popular VP in recent history to receiving 81 million dollars in donations (why does that number sound familiar?)... and you're calling the right minions? Of course there are minions on the right, but anybody who is regurgitating mainstream media talking points that were proven wrong from several years ago has forfeited their right to call anyone else a minion lol.
Just discovered this site, I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun here interacting with the local NPCs.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you must be the most intelligent person in the room. You'll find 551, narcissism runs deep on this site. I believe you've found your home.

Anonymous said...

600, judging by the average comment, yes, you might be correct. I don't take any pride in that, in fact it's quite disturbing, I know the saying is overused but I often feel like I'm living in the movie Idiocracy... Also, I noticed that you only attacked my character, so you must know that I am in fact correct, annoying yes, but correct.