Three days ago, I published an excerpt from my new book, Running Circles Around the Globe: 20 Years of the Turner Report, which featured a letter I received from Jalen Vaden, who pleaded guilty to felony child abuse in connection with the 2017 death of 3-year-old Jayda Kyle of Carl Junction and is serving a 22-year sentence, plus information he received from a doctor who questioned the results of the autopsy.
A link to the post was placed on the Inside Joplin Facebook page where it received more than 200 comments and counting.
One of those comments came from Jayda Kyle' s mother, Devyn, who issued the following statement. Since it was in reference to a post on the Turner Report, I wanted to make sure it was posted here.
This will be my one and only statement on this, as I still refuse to let what Vaden did and the nonsense that has followed control my life or harden my heart.This entire article is a complete joke, hence the laugh react. (Editor's Note: She had placed a laugh emoji on the post.)
It is a flat out lie to say there is new evidence. This medical report was simply part of an attempt to build a defense by providing limited information to an individual to get an alternative theory. It was done very early on in the case and as the article says, everyone had this report well before the guilty plea. It would not have held up in court with the overwhelming amount of evidence that perfectly matched Vaden's very voluntary confession. Which is why both him and his attorney have had this the entire time and why it was never actually used. You know what else wouldn’t have held up? His family's fake Facebook evidence to twist this on me. Again, hence the guilty plea.
It’s unfortunate Mr. Vaden is too big of a coward to make these statements publicly.
Instead, any time all this starts up I get letters like this from him because as much as he knows he is the guilty party and I had absolutely nothing to do with this, he cares more about himself and maintaining his supporters than he does about doing the right thing. He has done and said everything he can to gain support but he has NEVER once blamed me.
Here we are almost 7 years later and not a single resource has been willing to pick this case up for him to try to get him released. Not one.
Vaden and his attorney know the actual facts of this case speak for themselves and he is right where he needs to be. The only thing we can be thankful for is that man will spend his entire sentence behind bars due to all this nonsense he caused and the longer this goes on, the better chance of that there is.
God and my babies know what happened and at the end of the day, that’s truly all that matters.
God and my babies know what happened and at the end of the day, that’s truly all that matters.
I appreciate the statement and am happy to publish it. I should note that my book clearly states that the medical report Vaden sent me was not new evidence and that he and his lawyer had it well before he pleaded guilty.
That report, however, is not the new evidence I was referring to. That, as I alluded to at the end of that excerpt, and those of who have already read the book are aware, is the information I discovered on the man who originally performed the autopsy, Dr. Erik Mitchell.
Combining that information with information that has already in the public domain makes this case worth a second, more thorough look.
Note: After this was posted originally, I was told that Devyn's words were only part of her statement and I should have included the following letter, which she posted on the Inside Joplin Facebook page along with her statement. It doesn't seem to address what was written in the book excerpt, but here it is.)
Quincy knows what happened but is too scared/manipulated by your family to know what the truth is
Randy, one would think that after years of using this perfect baby girl’s photo and murder as a way to get someone to ACTUALLY read the dumb nonsense you post you would take a hint.
As you did 7 years ago.. you have always used her name as a way to get attention. When does it end?
I am not a “supporter” of Jalen Vaden or Devyn Kyle, I am a supporter of a life lost that day.
I as well as numerous other individuals stand behind JAYDA KYLE.
Facts are facts at the end of the day.
It is terribly saddening that you must make such a mockery of the situation in order for selfish gain.
Does Randy need more views?
Are his articles mundane and boring on the average day to day articles?
So why not throw a picture of this little girl in, a letter from Jalen Vaden or better yet make another post or “Jayda Kyle’s mother “ for those that didn’t see it.
“200 comments and counting…”
Do you want a trophy?
It’s disgusting.
If I didn’t know any better I would think you had nothing better to do than cause chaos within the friends and family of the Kyle’s & the Vaden’s.
But then again.. you don’t.
You got your views. At what cost?
Don't listen to this 2nd comment. This sounds like Devyn's Daddy wrote it. Keep on it Randy, we ALL know the truth.
Tough guy to say those things and be anonymous. We all know she was a killer too and deserves the harshest extent of punishment.
Randy, please keep publishing. It’s not about clicks or comments, it’s about helping inform your readers on a variety of topics. Many times you are the only one that will address and issue. If someone doesn’t like the picture you used, that is your right but please continue to keep your readers informed!! Thank you.
Love you devyn. Hope all is well. CRF
The local DFS office knows the truth about Devyn and her father, but the people that know won't come forward with what they know. Judd intervened not only in this case, but previous times when DFS was called on his daughter.
It ends when the truth comes out and people are held accountable, Keep up the good work Randy
Randy your doing a good job reporting I believe we need answers truthful answers as there is 2 people knows what happened that day they are neither then or now telling the truth
I am fairly new to the area and am not familiar with those involved. I have but one question and forgive me if this has been answered before. I understand that the mother; her boyfriend and her son were the only people home when this horrific act occurred.
What was the mother doing when this was happening to the three year old? Surely that house can't be that large that she (or her son) didn't hear?
She said she was on the phone making some calls for work. The house wasn’t a very large house either, I think less than 2,000 sq feet. I just don’t understand why the mother is always on the internet arguing with people about her innocence in this matter, that would be the last thing I would do as a grieving mother. Also guilty people tend to go out of their way to defend themselves. Her father starts harassing people also, it’s a clown show
She was the one that did it and we all know it. She should be in prison.
5:46 p.m., funny she says it was phone calls because in the PC she said she was in the laundry room with her head phones in and didn't hear. Her story changes all the time. That's what happens when you lie, you forget your lies and that's why nobody defends her. The ones that do have no idea what they're talking about.
That family is very manipulative and I wouldn’t even step foot in McPhersons law office. Dirty deeds and coverups.
Actually, in the interview she says she was listening to music in her room.
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