Monday, July 22, 2024

Jason Smith: I demand Secret Service director resign or be fired

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

On July 13, the nation watched with horror when a crazed shooter attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. The fact that he survived this attack can only be described as a miracle. 

While I’m incredibly grateful the former president is safe, it’s tragic that a murderous nut job took the life of an innocent father and seriously injured two others. 

My prayers are with the family of Corey Comperatore, who died heroically protecting his wife and daughter, and I wish a quick recovery to the two innocent victims.

I hope the assassination attempt will serve as a wake-up call and make people realize the dangers of violent rhetoric, which has gotten worse and worse over the last several years. A week before the assassination attempt, President Joe Biden told a group of Democrat donors that it is “time to put Trump in a bullseye.” A former Missouri Democrat senator said that Trump is more dangerous than Hitler and Mussolini. These are just a few of the many examples of the unacceptable rhetoric we’ve seen about Trump.

These days, too many people forget that an elected official is still human. Trump is far more than just a politician. He’s a loving father and a husband. In a letter Melania Trump released the day after the shooting, she said, “For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide – thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.”

We cannot let America become a nation where fear and violence determine the outcome of what happens at the ballot box or in Congress, state legislatures, or city halls. While there is no question this is a pivotal time in American history, this upcoming election will not decide whether our nation will turn into a dictatorship as some on the Left – and top Democrat officials – have claimed.

Congress must do everything it can to get to the bottom of how on earth the assassination attempt could have happened. It's absolutely unacceptable that the shooter was able to climb on top of a roof so close to the president. You don’t have to be a security expert to know that the roof should have been secured. There must be accountability. 

That’s why I’m demanding Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resign – or be fired – immediately. As the investigations move forward, I hope the administration will be cooperative – something we haven’t seen throughout the numerous fact-finding missions we’ve conducted over the last three and a half years.

What Congress should not do, however, is ridiculous things like pass legislation introduced earlier this year by a Democrat congressman that would strip away Trump’s Secret Service protection. While that bill won’t be going anywhere, it’s safe to assume that Trump would no longer be with us today if he hadn’t had a Secret Service detail. The assassination attempt should make it clear that candidates’ security must be taken seriously. The photo of the former president getting back up on his feet and raising a fist just moments after he was grazed by a bullet is an image I – and every American – will never forget. I will continue praying for him and for the future of our great nation. And you can rest assured that I will do everything in my power to get Americans the answers they deserve about one of the worst security failures in the history of America.
f t # e


Anonymous said...

Jason is a pathetic partisan hack. I see no where in his magat style rhetoric that gives any mention to the comments of violence and televised tribunals against his political rivals that his one-eared former president calls upon. It goes both ways Smith. I know you're too ignorant and ethically inept to understand how horribly over your head you really are. You (we) would be better served if you would just shut up, do your time and get out. Missouri can do better.

Anonymous said...

Is Jason among the sad republicans that are having second thoughts about their FJB trampstamp?

Anonymous said...

Once again you become unhinged, Are you on or off some antidepressants? The idiot in charge of the Secret Service should be fired, I would trust her with being able to guard a bag of Doritos.
So now the Dems are gonna pick Harris to be president, the idiot in charge of the border, that she’s never seen with her own 2 eyes. You dems are delusional …… I can’t wait to read your reply, the the same tiresome words

Anonymous said...

My reply to 617 didnt get published. Apparently, so as not to sound overly condescending and hurt 617's feelings? I guess you can fill in the blanks and assume what I think about your statement 617. Besides breathtakingly boring and conspiracy filled, has all the "alternative" concrete facts of a magat bullet point....(not a real bullet 617).

Anonymous said...

6:17, you can't get anywhere with these blind, bitter brainwashed demoncrats.

Anonymous said...

Dude I’m a Republican you can’t hurt my feelings, words don’t hurt me, I’m not woke, that’s your party.

Randy said...

Guys, I am fed up with this. If you want to comment on the article, please do so. You can tell the readers why the Democrats are wrong or the Republicans are wrong without calling people names or saying things that aren't designed to create a discussion, but only to make the other side angry. If you want to write about orange maganuts, or whatever it is, feel free to do so- but do it somewhere else. As for anonymous 10:36, I rejected an overlong comment that consisted of nothing but one insult after another and I should have been rejecting many of the shorter comments you have been leaving. If you want to score points, please dazzle the readers with your intelligence, not your insults.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! You would gave made a good principal. I'll consider your request.