Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Ann Wagner: The president needs to take decisive action immediately to stop this seditious behavior

As protesters have stormed into the Capitol Building this afternoon, forcing a delay in certifying electoral college votes, Josh Hawley, who was posting "Stop the Steal" photos on a campaign website has been silent.

Seventh District Congressman Billy Long was helpful and retweeted CBS' coverage of the protests.

Second District Congresswoman Ann Wagner, on the other hand, called on President Trump, who stirred up the protesters during a speech just prior to their trip to the Capitol Building, to do something about it in a tweet about a half hour ago.

The violent riots we are seeing right now are despicable and have no place in our nation. The President needs to take decisive action immediately to stop this seditious behavior.



Anonymous said...

He is your president, not mine and then talk to the other idiots in your party that are encouraging this. Your party is responsible for the whole mess and take credit for enabling the sick SOB that you have followed and encouraged all the past 4 years. You should also be charged and kick out of office

Anonymous said...

The voters need to end Anne's seditious and trasonous behavior.

President Trump needs to end this farce as well. #DeclareMartialLaw #CrosstheRubicon

Dissolve the Congress like Julius Caesar and Oliver Cromwell did and hold open free fair and honest elections in early March without mail-in ballots, only one legal vote per elector and get back to the way things used to be before it all went to corruption and chaos.

What we now know! said...

Possible primary challenger for disgraced senator? She seems to represent Missouri values and keeper a level head during the insurrection.