Friday, January 08, 2021

Billy Long: What happened at the Capitol Building was disgraceful and completely unacceptable

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

I wanted to start this week’s Short Report by addressing the events that occurred at the United States Capitol on January 6th. 

I believe that what happened at the Capitol Building was disgraceful and completely unacceptable and I condemn the actions of those involved in the strongest possible terms. 

I commend the brave men and women of the United States Capitol Police, the Washington Metropolitan Police and the officers of the various federal agencies that assisted in restoring order in the Capitol and keeping Members of Congress and their staff safe. 

The death of 35 year old Ashli Babbitt and Officer Brian Sicknick during this mob violence is tragic. Ashli was a decorated Air Force veteran who served multiple tours in the Middle East and Officer Sicknick was a career Capitol Police officer. My prayers are with their families, and the families of those who were injured during this incursion. 

Despite these events, our Republic and this institution will endure. The business of Congress must go on.

In last week’s short report, I wrote that I “hope Democrats surprise me by getting back to work for the American people,” with the start of the new year. Well, we are just one week into the 117th Congress and my hopes have been dashed. 

Members of Congress vote on the rules that govern the business of the House of Representatives at the start of each new Congress. This year, House Democrats have forced through the most partisan and egregious set of rules in modern history.

For over 100 years, the House of Representatives, through a Motion to Recommit, has afforded the minority party a way to alter legislation that is being put on the floor for a vote. During this time, thousands of Motions to Recommit have been voted on in the House of Representatives. 

During the 116th Congress, Republicans used this tool several times to successfully alter partisan legislation put forth by the Democrat majority. 

Unfortunately, House Democrats have decided to weaken what is really the only opportunity for the minority party to put its mark on partisan pieces of legislation. 

Under the Democrats' new rules package, the Motion to Recommit can no longer be used to alter legislation. This is proof the Democrats are afraid of Republican ideas and ideals being placed in their partisan proposals and is just another way to shut down the voices of those that don’t agree with them.

Shutting down opposing viewpoints seems to be a trend in the new rules of the 117th Congress. In what can only be described as a disgusting change to the rules, Democrats have decided that they need to stifle the first amendment right of other Members of Congress and their staff. 

The new rules make it an ethics violation for members of Congress or their employees to post or share anything that others think may be inappropriate or unfounded. 

With Democrats in control, posting something they may not agree with can be viewed by many Democrats as unfounded or inappropriate, resulting in an ethics violation for me or someone on my staff. The Democratic majority is going to decide what is and isn’t inappropriate or unfounded language. 

This is supposed to be an institution that upholds the Constitution but instead, it is stepping on it with such an egregious violation of the first amendment being included in these rules. It is unacceptable to shut down the speech of any American but it is simply despicable that Democrats would seek to control the speech and messaging coming from other members of Congress.

This is par for the course for Democrats; when they don’t get their way, they change rules and norms, some of which have been precedent for upwards of a century. Unable to get Obama appointed judges through the Senate? 

Change the rule from 60 votes needed to the “nuclear option” of 51 votes needed. Trump beats Clinton? Democrats proposed disenfranchising low-population states through abolishing the electoral college. Trump and the Senate fulfill their constitutional duty to fill a Supreme Court vacancy? 

Democrats propose packing the courts to invalidate Trump appointed Justices. Republicans propose common sense changes to partisan legislation through the Motion to Recommit? Democrats change the rule so that we can no longer alter legislation through a Motion to Recommit. Through this rules package, the Democratic party continue their precedent of being the spoiled child that changes the rules of the game when they lose.

Unfortunately, the millions of Americans struggling can’t change the rules when they find themselves in a tight spot. It was my hope that with the new Congress would come newfound bipartisanship, but this rules package signals that any intent to work with Republicans or hear their ideas will be shut down. It is disheartening that this is the state of the people’s house, but new rules or not, I will continue to fight for conservative ideals in this Congress and make sure that your voice is heard.


Anonymous said...

Gosh Billy you seem kinda shrill.

I did notice how you accidentally didn't use the word Trump until you got to the accomplishments and bitching at Democrats part of your little RNC talking points screed. Woulda coulda shoulda mentioned him at the mob violence at the US Capitol part of your whinging session? Funny coincidence how certifying Trump's loss was what was interrupted?

A wild time indeed?

Never mind.

Do you even bother to look at this crap which goes out under your name before some intern hits the publish button?

Never mind.

I bet you will really start squealing when the Democratic House impeaches your Mango Moron President for ginning up his coup mob and then sitting with his thumb up his butt instead of calling out the Guard.

Anonymous said...

This won't end until the seventh grade "yeah, but's" stop. Wednesday was one of the most troubling days in our nation's history.

Anonymous said...

Josh can't shut up when he's losing.

Maybe that's because he's too stupid to know he is losing?

Anonymous said...

Time to leave Billy. Your resignation will be accepted.