Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Greene County reaches 300 COVID-19 deaths with 12 more reported during past week


(From the Springfield-Greene County Health Department)

The Springfield-Greene County Health Department is saddened to announce the deaths of 12 Greene County residents from COVID-19. These fatalities were reported to us between Wednesday, December 30 and Tuesday, January 5. Tragically, our community’s death toll from this virus has now topped 300.

Community members lost include:
A man in his 20s
A woman in her 40s
A woman in her 50s who had no underlying health conditions
A man in his 60s
A man in his 70s
Five men in their 80s
Two women in their 80s

We extend our condolences to everyone impacted by these losses. We take each loss personally and our hearts are with each of you.

“In the past two weeks, we’ve tragically reported our community’s two youngest deaths from COVID-19 and today our deaths surpass 300 from this pandemic,” said Director of Health Clay Goddard. “This is a grim reminder that COVID-19 can impact all of us in different ways, regardless of age and how healthy we may be. We must continue to mask, watch our distance, wash our hands and stay home when we are sick unless to seek medical care.”

A total of 309 Greene County residents have died from COVID-19. Twelve deaths have been reported by the health department in January.

Profiles of those we’ve lost

Three of the twelve individuals who died from COVID-19 were associated with long-term care.

Eleven had underlying health conditions.

Average age of those who have died (calculated by age group)

During the December 30-January 5 reporting period, the average age of those who died from COVID-19 in Greene County decreased to 66.7 years from 70.7 years the week prior.

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