Friday, May 04, 2012

Rex Sinquefield finally gets something for his money

Retired billionaire Rex Sinquefield let it be known at the beginning of the 2012 legislative session that he was tired of pouring money into campaign contributions and receiving nothing in return.

Sinquefield, who notoriously said the public education system was started by the Ku Klux Klan, has been pushing voucher legislation and mounting attacks on public schools and teachers for several years, with many of the recipients of his generosity filing one bill after another designed to cripple public schools. The bills never made it to the finish line.

Most of Sinquefield's "reform" legislation has fallen short this year, too (so far), but finally one bill, backed by both the billionaire and Michelle Rhee's extremist and misnamed Students First organization made it through the House Thursday.

HB 1526 eliminates seniority as a factor in determining which teachers remain during times when layoffs are necessary.

While Sinquefield has not contributed directly to any campaign during the 2012 calendar year, he gave more than a quarter of a million dollars to House Republicans in 2011, including a whopping $100,000 to the man who determines what legislation reaches the floor, Speaker of the House Steve Tilley, R-Perryville.

Sinquefield also gave $30,000 to Majority Leader Tim Jones, whose strongarm tactics while the voting baord was kept open longer than usual Thursday provided the slender 83-78 margin, one vote more than necessary for passage.

Another $13,500 in three $4,500 contributions in December went to Rep. Scott Dieckhaus, chairman of the Education Committee. Dieckhaus also is head of the House Republican Campaign Committee, which received $115,000 from Sinquefield.

(Note: Speaker of the House Steve Tilley tells The Turner Report he has not spoken to Rex Sinquefield about this legislation.)

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