Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What is the plan for KODE?

I didn't see the 6 or 10 p.m. newscasts today, but I noticed that for a second day in a row, Alan Matthews has shared anchor duties with Tara Brown on the 5 p.m. news.
Is Matthews being showcased for the top job, or is he just lightening the load on Ms. Brown?
Anyone with information, please drop me a line or add a reply.


Anonymous said...

Heard Alan has applied for the job, and is maybe getting a test run. I would doubt he could make the switch because of his goofy past in the mornings. Not the right fit.

Anonymous said...

How long has he been there? Doesn't he deserve it?

Anonymous said...

I think he has been there at least five years or more. I caught the 5 on Mon. and Tue. I thought he came across confident and professional. He and Tara could make a good team. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

He should apply. People know who he is and he does a good job.

Anonymous said...

His goofy past? Isn't that the nature of those early morning news shows? Isn't that why he acts goofy, because it fits the nature of the 5:30am crowd? I have seen and heard him do serious stories and have no doubt he will do a good job. I hope he gets the position. After all, who would like getting to bed at early in the evening, only to get up at 3:00ish am in the morning? Not me! I say Alan has done his time with KODE and is well-deserved of the new position. Speaking of goofy, I'm getting tired of the goofy comments Tara, the weather man and the sports dude are making back and forth. ARRGGH!! Enough is enough! It's to much forced humor for this listner and watcher!