Thursday, April 24, 2014

Video- Motorcycle riders support new helmet bill

Why the Missouri House seems to think this is important legislation I have no idea, but there is another bill that would allow people over 21 to ride motorcycles without helmets.


Anonymous said...

It's a personal liberty issue--that's why it's important. Any rider who doesn't wear a helmet is an idiot. But, in America, we should have the freedom to be idiots. I should be able to not buy health insurance if I don't want to, and I should be able to buy the biggest, unhealthiest, most gigantic soft drink cup our free market economy can produce (stick it, Michael Bloomberg). And if I want to risk cracking my skull open on the pavement, that's my business, and no one else's. This bill is a big ol' "up yours" to the nanny state.

Anonymous said...

It is everyone's issue when someone sustains a tbi and our taxes have to pay for their care.

Anonymous said...

5:12's reasoning is the very reason why we can never allow socialized health care. Suddenly, my eating habits, cholesterol numbers, and love handles would become the business of every American taxpayer. No thanks.