Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Jasper County deputies break up party, at least 12 drunk minors arrested, charged

In the moments shortly after midnight May 4, Jasper County Sheriff's Office deputies broke up an alcoholic party at a rural Carthage residence, with at least a dozen people charged with minor visibly intoxicated.

The 12, whose ages range from 14 to 20, are scheduled to have their first court appearance 1:30 p.m. June 24 before Judge John Nicholas in Jasper County Circuit Court in Carthage.

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed the misdemeanor charges Tuesday and today.

Court documents indicate the drinking allegedly took place at the home or on property owned by an 18-year-old who was charged and that some of those involved registered blood alcohol content nearly three times the legal limit.


Anonymous said...

People were drinking under age and got arrested?

They should have tried that in a small town!

Anonymous said...

Great job

Anonymous said...

Cops are the guys who never got invited to parties so they love breaking them up.

Anonymous said...

Because we know that a drunk 14 year old with 3x legal limit is a good thing, right?

Anonymous said...

I am glad coos were cool in my day. They came in. We ran out the back door. They let us go. Occasionally they would come in and just break it up. If they had to come back then we were in trouble. Seldom did they arrest anyone.

Anonymous said...

Exactly nobody got a record from it, and we all learned from it. But we could also keep a secret in our day.
We also had good police, ones that knew who the trouble makers were. Early 90’s rocked

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Life lessons learned, but probably not. Sounds like the person throwing the party, since 18, could be charged as an adult supplying minors with alcohol. Since he could not legally buy alcohol in Missouri - who bought and provided this alcohol - those individuals should also be charged with similar crimes.

Plus, I am sure these kids will glorify this with all their friends and over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Etc., when it should be looked at as a disgraceful criminal act, which could affect their lives long term. Thank goodness, no one was seriously hurt or died.

Anonymous said...

🤡: "a disgraceful criminal act"

Anonymous said...

It's all fun and games until someone suffers permanent injury or death.

Anonymous said...

Speak all your shock and moral rightousness at a bunch of kids being stupid, but these things have been going on since the Europeans in ancient times began making grog. I agree this was a mindless irresponsible act by all involved, but it sure was fun getting away with it as an early adolescent back in the 70's. To all you "hoodlums" who partook,: One day in your adulthood, you'll look back fondly and be grateful for the fun and friendship but at the same time be grateful you're still alive to tell your stories. To the rest of you "over-rightous do-gooders": pump your holier than thou brakes and breathe.

Anonymous said...

What if no one dies or has permanent injuries? Is it still fun and games?.....

Anonymous said...

9:12AM, again no comment about this tragic situation, just attacking others, definitely a clown act - 🤡🤡🤡, can we say we are so impressed with your copy paste technique - WOW.

12:56PM, maybe you would be a little more conscious of this situation if one of the kids died or hit you or one of your family members driving home drunk - would that make the rest of us - "over-righteous do-gooders" or concerned law abiding individuals that don't want to see kids hurt or taken advantage because they were drunk! Oh, never mind, common sense means nothing today!

Anonymous said...

Again 409, pump your brakes before you begin to sound excessively self absorbed.

Anonymous said...

Well 6:30PM, is being a good parent or a "over-righteous do-gooders", and not wanting to have kids end up dead or taken advantage of because they are drunk, an "excessively self-absorbed" person?

Or are one of these people that feel you or your kids should be able to use or provide alcohol and drugs to miners and not have to realize any consequences for these actions? Is it your idea this is all in good fun, just experimental, no harm no foul, talk about being self absorbed and lacking common sense?

Anonymous said...

Miners 🤣

Anonymous said...

Go back to Mayberry (747). You sound like Aunt Bea scolding Opie for not washing behind his ears.

Anonymous said...

9:54AM, Minors, at least you are reading the comments, never commenting on the articles though, try reading them and then using your intellect to comment on the original articles, not other's comments, do you ever have an original opinion about the articles?

1:26PM, You sound like Otis, probably have been locked up multiple times for drunkenness in public, or have multiple DUI's / DWI's / DUID's, I suspect you have a Bonding Agents Number Memorized. Responsibility never goes out of style, your carefree/careless/disrespectful attitude and inability to follow laws has probably taken you very far in your life... We assume back and forth between the Basement and your Refrigerator.

Anonymous said...

Some comments appear to be not studious and have already been reported to the Central Scrutinizer!

Anonymous said...

Some comments appear to be excessively studious, they have also been reported to the Central Scrutinizer!

Also should squeaky brakes be pumped or lubed?

Anonymous said...

The only crime here is they got caught is it right that minors had a party and no one got hurt

Anonymous said...

7:30PM your logic is extremely skewed, the only crime here is they got caught - WHAT? Minors drinking is a crime, someone bought and provided alcohol to Minors - Another crime. Do you really think a Judge or Jury would agree with you, let alone the majority of parents out there?

No one got hurt, but a crime is a crime. What if something would have happened to one of these kids, is it a crime then or if one of these kids drove home drunk and killed an innocent family driving home, is it a crime, no one can predict all the possibilities, but still a crime is a crime.

Does your logic afford people to steal, as long as they don't get caught? Laws are spelled out in black and white, no gray areas.

Anonymous said...

1144, The world must seem a scary, out of control, and unjust place for you. Fortunately, medication and psychotherapy are very successful for reversing erroneous thought processes so that freedom from irrational fears can be achieved. Take heed 1144, take heed. It'll all be ok.

Anonymous said...

Speeding, jaw walking, littering,not wearing a seatbelt, distracted driving, are you telling me you’ve never benefited from a gray area. If this is true well I guess there was 2 perfect people.