Thursday, June 06, 2024

New judge assigned to Carthage impeachment case

Just a few hours after Judge Dean Dankelson filed for a judicial transfer, a new judge has been assigned to handle Carthage Mayor Dan Rife's action against the city council.

Online Jasper County Circuit Court records show the Missouri Supreme Court assigned Barton County Associate Circuit Court Judge James Nichols assigned Barton County Associate Circuit Court Judge James Nichols to the case this afternoon.

Nichols is the fourth judge assigned to the case following David Mouton, Gayle Crane and Dankelson.

Nichols was first elected judge in 2014 for the 28th Judicial Circuit, which includes Barton, Dade, Vernon and Cedar counties. Prior to that, he was in private practice and had served as Barton County prosecuting attorney.

Previous posts

The Turner Report: Judge merry-go-round continues in Carthage impeachment case; Dankelson wants out (

The Turner Report: Crane out as judge in Carthage impeachment actions; case assigned to Dankelson (

The Turner Report: Carthage City Council's attorney asks Judge Crane to reset hearing- he's on vacation that day (

The Turner Report: Judge Crane issues restraining order, blocks impeachment hearing for Carthage mayor (

The Turner Report: Carthage mayor, citizens file motion for restraining order to prevent impeachment hearing; Dagnan finally fired (


Anonymous said...

I've always heard that is a local judge who plays favorites for who he thinks will financially benefit him later. Whoever has the most to offer will win in this case.

Anonymous said...

Just saw a picture posted on social media showing this judge’s wife is good friends and golfing buddies with the wife of one of the originators and top donors as a couple to the (CCU) Carthage Citizens United political action committee formed by Bill Putnam and Jana Schramm to oust any former City Council members who would not agree to oust the City Administrator, City Atty, and Mayor.

CCU’s goal has been to place a stain on any City leaders who were working for Carthage at the time their buddy the former Carthage Parks Director was investigated by an outside forensic audit firm after the $142k and 9,000 gallons of fuel were discovered missing during his years of employment. Which resulted in 5 felonies for stealing and money laundering he was charged with. The new City Council the CCU funded the campaigns for (unheard of in Carthage prior to all this) was set in place for these purposes. They will do anything to hand Mark Peterson’s atty an ousted set of city leaders who served in Carthage and agreed an investigation of the Parks Department was found necessary. They are ruthless.

This is a clear conflict of interest. Like the others, if this Barton Co judge is upstanding and trustworthy, we will see him recuse on this case. He needs to recuse.