Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Crane out as judge in Carthage impeachment actions; case assigned to Dankelson

Jasper County Circuit Court Judge Gayle Crane approved the Carthage City Council's attorney's application for a change of judge this morning as the battle to hold an impeachment hearing for Mayor Dan Rife continues.

According to online court records, the case has been assigned to Division II Judge Dean Dankelson. Dankelson is the third judge for the case. It was initially assigned to Division III Judge David Mouton who recused himself Friday, the day Rife and two Carthage citizens, William Scheerer and Jeffrey Hole, filed the motion for a temporary restraining order to prevent Rife's impeachment hearing from being held today.

Crane issued the temporary restraining order Tuesday morning. The impeachment hearing was canceled.

Previous posts

The Turner Report: Carthage City Council's attorney asks Judge Crane to reset hearing- he's on vacation that day (

The Turner Report: Carthage mayor, citizens file motion for restraining order to prevent impeachment hearing; Dagnan finally fired (

The Turner Report: Court filing: Carthage mayor has "unclean hands," impeachment hearing must go on (


Anonymous said...

The average salary for a City Mayor is $79,376 per Year in Carthage, MO.

That is a good salary for a mayor - so it is understandable that Mayor Rife - wants to remain as mayor (for his entire elected term).

Anonymous said...

All the same judges in Jasper Co who needed to recuse themselves for the Mark Peterson cases will most likely have to recuse themselves on this one, too.

Which means it’s likely on a slow walk over to another County.

Highly doubtful any more work will be done on this one way or another before CoC Council’s atty Paul Martin leaves on vacation.

That will be bad news for one side, and good news for the other.

Randy said...

I don't know where you get your information, but you might want to find another source. The filing by the Carthage City Council's attorney earlier this week said the mayor's salary is $4,200 a year.

Anonymous said...

Carthage pays their mayor $4,200 per year. It's what high-priced attorney Paul Martin referred to several times in his writings as mayor Rife's "personal fortune". (Yes, seriously, he does)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for correcting the record. Info like that can get people down rabbit holes that don’t exist

Anonymous said...

Critical thinking and intellectual curiosity have gone out the window around here. People go around spreading bad information by literally copying and pasting the first result of a poorly thought out Google search they did on their android phone. “That must be the right salary, right? I googled it.”

Anonymous said...

None of the local judges want to touch this case, sense they rely on the Citizens of Jasper County to raise money for their elections. So, none of them wants to offend any of their constituents. Can we say Impartial - No.