Friday, June 14, 2024

Joplin woman charged with stealing more than $700,000 from elderly blind woman

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed a felony financial exploitation of the elderly/disabled against a Joplin woman who allegedly stole at least $716,981.55 from an elderly blind Jasper County woman over an 8-year period.

The charges were filed following an investigation by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

From the probable cause statement:

Over a period of approximately 8 years, Tripp convinced Victim#l (by means of deceit) to allow Tripp to create a Power of Attorney document. Victim #1 recalled the creation of this document, but stated she was not fully-apprised of its contents. 

Tammy Tripp fraudulently persuaded Community Bank and Trust to permit her to use a rubber stamp containing the cursive name of Victim #1, for purposes of cashing and endorsing checks. Victim #1 has participated in audio and video recorded statements, confirming that she did not authorize the creation or use of said rubber stamp. A copy of Victim #l's signature is on file, and that signature in no way resembles that on the rubber stamp. 

Tammy Tripp convinced Victim #l, by means of fraud or deceit, to allow her access to Victim #l's Morgan Stanley Investments account "to keep her money safe." 

Once this access was in place, Tammy Tripp proceeded to extract funds in excess of $6000 per month from Victim #l's account. These funds were direct deposited into Victim #l's Community Bank and Trust account, and immediately withdrawn by Tammy Tripp, using the rubber stamp. 

Tammy Tripp utilized Victim #l's ATM card to withdraw funds from her account. When family members deduced the financial abuse was in progress, Tammy Tripp used the Power of Attorney document to remove Victim #1 from a long term care facility and abscond with her to a camper park on Monkey Island, Oklahoma. 

When it became known that Tammy Tripp and her spouse were being pursued by authorities, Victim #1 was dropped off at another long term care facility in Jasper County, where Tammy Trip used the Power of Attorney document to affect her admission to the facility. 

A member of the staff of the long term care facility personally heard Tammy Tripp tell Victim #1 not to mention the money, "Or Tammy Tripp and her spouse would go to jail". 

To date, the Office of Special Investigations has documented approximately $716,981.55 extracted from Victim #1 by Tammy Tripp. This includes a bank money order from Community Bank and Trust, used by Tammy Tripp's daughter to purchase a residence in Joplin, for the amount of $93,005.55. 

Victim #1 has repeatedly-affirmed that she did not giver permission for her money to be used for this purchase.


Anonymous said...

Tammy Tripp is the lowest of the low. To take advantage of an Elderly Person should be punishable with a long term jail sentence. Her Daughter's House should be seized, and she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law also.

These Woman have NO RESPECT for others and should both be in jail, No Probation, No Deals, No Get Out of Jail Free - Jail Time!

Anonymous said...

I agree that these women are the lowest, but also what was Community Bank and Trust thinking to allow this to go unchallenged?!? A rubber stamp that didn't match and they let it slide?!? I hope the victim sues them.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Had a neighbor lose 500 grand to a caregiver and it bankrupted him. Sounds like a bank you can really trust. Good job looking out for the elderly.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Elderly Individuals if they do not have any family or relatives, need to have possible a larger law firm or an Institution handle their money and bills. You can still have a caretaker with limited or no access to your accounts, but the law firm or the institution can oversee and audit all incoming and outgoing funds - never trust a third-party person - - you are just asking to be taken advantage of.

Anonymous said...

A 13 year prison term is not nearly long enough for Tammy Tripp. She is definitely a danger to society. If she stole money she probably stole other items. So we have forgery, theft, embezzlement, kidnapping, include reckless endangerment dragging an elderly victim from a home or care center to an rv park. Probably could add abuse of the elderly.. mental & physical. Tammy should never get out of prison. And what about her husband? Is he free of charges so he can work & pay restitution? If not, then he should do time as an accessory because he had to know. These people are the lowest of the low.