Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Judge Crane issues restraining order, blocks impeachment hearing for Carthage mayor

Jasper County Circuit Court Judge Gayle Crane issued a temporary restraining order issued a temporary restraining order this morning blocking the impeachment hearing for Carthage Mayor Dan Rife, which had been scheduled for 4 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall.

According to the restraining order, the Carthage City Council can take no action to impeach Rife until a hearing is held on the show cause motion filed by Rife and Carthage residents William E. Scheerer and Jeffrey J. Hole or until 15 days from the issuance of the order.

In the order, Crane says the council has not "properly authorized the impeachment hearing" and "it further appearing that immediate and irreparable injury, loss and damage will result to Petitioners in that Mayor Rife will be subject to removal from the office of mayor to which he was duly elected without the lawful authorization of the City Council and the city of Carthage, put to time, trouble and expense without such authorization."

Crane ordered that no hearing or any other action be taken against Rife during the 15-day period


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Randy

Anonymous said...

Judge Crane is a true champion of justice.

Anonymous said...

I guess a mayor can never be impeached? Imagine if we had a poor-quality mayor and he kept doing bad things for the city, particularly elevating bad people in important positions. I guess the city council can never have him impeached. All mayors, take notes! This is how you hold on to your power forever.

Anonymous said...

Elections are meant ro take care of any needed replacement of a Mayor short of criminal activity or due cause for impeachment.

Anonymous said...

The council has found due cause for impeachment, whether they’re right or wrong. Shouldn’t he be able to be impeached just as council members can be recalled? I don’t see Cossey filing a restraining order against citizens gathering signatures for a recall.

Anonymous said...

This is great promising news!

Anonymous said...

No. The Council has not found due cause for impeachment.

Anonymous said...

Well, (Anonymous 5:19) your ignorance is showing... a recall petition is still settled at the ballot box. The petition requires 25% of the registered voter's signatures from the council person's ward. Feel free to start your own recall on the Mayor but fair warning... you'll need 25% of registered voters signatures from all 5 wards. The impeachment is a total sham. The council gets to make the accusations and then vote on whether or not they're accurate and truthful. They get to be prosecuter, judge and jury. Seriously... educate yourself in facts and truth before you bark about how unfair the recall drive is Mr. Dry 😉