Saturday, June 22, 2024

Candidates to speak at annual Republican Women of Jasper County Ice Cream Social

(From Republican Women of Jasper County)

The Republican Women of Jasper County are hosting their annual Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 in the Carthage Memorial Hall at 407 S. Garrison Avenue. Doors will open at 5:00 PM. 

Speakers begin at 6:00 PM. In addition to enjoying delicious Jack’s Ice Cream, all statewide and local candidates for political office have been invited to speak. This is a free event!

The Republican Women of Jasper County are affiliated with the Missouri Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. It is our goal to encourage the ladies of Jasper County to participate positively in the political process. 

The Republican Women of Jasper County meet at 6:00 PM the second Tuesday of each month in Joplin at Old Chicago Pizza at 3320 S. Range Line Rd.

For more information contact the Republican Women of Jasper County at


Anonymous said...

I would rather have a prostate exam than listen to a gathering of maga fruit cakes and a room full of karens. What possible good, or even more than that, what possible truth do any of them possess that affects the rest the rest of us positively? History says this cult meeting will be about grievances against the those "meany libs".

Anonymous said...

You truly show signs of a Leftist Liberal Buffon - I do Respect you have your own Opinion, but I and the Majority will have to Greatly Disagree with your Sentiments. You and Others can show Your Opinions - on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Liberals, always seem so Angry, that must Name Call, and Espouse Negative Thoughts and Opinions about Everything, and the Drama - I would say if you do not like what the Majority favors, you are Welcome to Move out of this Wonderful Country - USA, like all of those Leftist Hollywood types who said they were all moving out of the Country if Trump was Elected in 2016, AND GUESS WHAT - NOT ONE (1) HAS MOVED OUT OF THIS COUNTRY - Great Rhetoric, but a Bunch of Liars and Drama Queens.

Stars who threatened to leave the U.S. if Trump was Elected in 2016 - just to Name a Few - Who Never Left, but who we all wish would move out of this Country. So you are in Great Company - Might want to get your Passport, Plane Tickets, Boarding Passes, and Mail Forwarding Kit so when your Party Loses in November 2024, you are already for the Move!!!

1. Cher
2. Alec Baldwin
3. Jon Stewart
4. Rosie O’ Donnell
5. Bruce Springsteen
6. Reverend Al Sharpton
7. Tommy Lee
8. Ricky Martin
9. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
10. Ne-Yo
11. Keegan-Michael Key
12. Lena Dunham
13. Neve Campbell
14. Bryan Cranston
15. George Lopez
16. Miley Cyrus
17. Barbra Streisand
18. Raven-Symone
19. Amy Schumer
20. Samuel L. Jackson
21. Chelsea Handler
22. Snoop Dogg

Anonymous said...

Wow, speaking of anger, just like your orange felon you worship, 704, you also take names! Looks and sounds like vindictivness to me. By the way, speaking of the name calling, you blame liberals but you misspelled your attempt at name calling yourself. It's BUFFOON. We all know the magat cult isn't a group of learned intellectuals. Thank you for reinforcing the truth.

Anonymous said...

Wow - 7:54AM, Don't start playing innocent and hurt when you start calling everyone else names, and then your Words are dished right back at You - Worse than a Prostate Exam, Maga Fruit Cakes, Karens, Cults, what do you really think - Plus I think Biden needs to get ready for more Felonies in his own Family, including himself!

Just get your Passport Ready so you can move on - we would all appreciate it. Of course,
If we did not make a mistake every blue moon - you Leftist Liberals - would not have anything to gripe about, oh sorry, you always have something to gripe about - you are Democrats.

Just get out and Vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, then Respect what the Majority of America Wants - Not what you want. No, The Truth will be Enforced when the Majority of America - Votes for the Right Choice - So you will need to Learn and Respect what the Citizens of America wants and swallow your Vain Attitude - and Close Your Liberal, Name Calling - Mouth.

Time is ticking off - only 135 Days or 4-Months and 13-Days to go before Sleepy Joe is ready for his final Nap...

Anonymous said...

Too bad those fools didn’t leave our great country, would have been a great start to Make America Greay Again.
Trump 24

Anonymous said...

What a great day it will be, Send Joe to the retirement home.

Anonymous said...

What a great day it will be to send trump to prison.