Sunday, June 02, 2024

Eric Burlison: Trump case was a sham; the rule of law has been shredded

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

On Thursday, the jury in President Trump’s rigged trial returned a guilty verdict on 34 felony charges.

This case has been a sham from the very beginning. It’s the very definition of judicial gymnastics.

These were bogus charges brought by a Democrat DA, whose star witness is a convicted liar and admitted thief, presided over by a conflicted judge whose daughter made millions for her Democrat clients off this very case.


Instead of being impartial, the judge worked in lockstep with the prosecution to allow lies into the courtroom, intentionally manipulating the jury, while constantly working against the defense.

The rule of law has been shredded.


Anonymous said...

Eric, I consider you and the rest of the maga cult as a threat to democracy. Your blind and misguided alliegence and meglomaniac desires make you nothing more than a clone of the most mentally disturbed and inept individual to ever hold public office. 34 counts of felonous behavior, found guilty by republican and democratic Americans, who, unlike you, believe in the rule of law and that no individual is above it. The real heros are those jurors who demonstrated more character, courage, and truth than you ever have or ever will.

Anonymous said...

More disinfo from this republican impersonating a rodeo clown in a three piece suit?

Is he triggered because his hero the p*ssy grabber was convicted on 34 felony counts by a jury?

34 felonies! That's a lot of felonies!

34 felonies is more felonies than Baskin Robbins has flavors of ice cream!

Anonymous said...

The fact that someone who was once President can be found guilty of actual crimes is a testament to the fact that our system of justice works. The magats want Trump to have an oligarchal shield of protection because they literally worship him and don't actually respect the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

How can a single person vote for that idiot? Seventh district 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Anonymous said...

Im more concerned about Rep Burlison spending more time chasing a former president around then representing his constituents.

Their greatest power is their shamelessness said...

The well known acronym IOKIYAR apparently now applies to Republicans who have been convicted for committing 34 felonies.

Stay tuned next week: Will the so-called party of 'family values' decide IOKIYAR now applies to Republican sex crime felons?

Anonymous said...

Folks, November is our chance to remove this horrible representative of our district. Let's get it done!

Anonymous said...

Rep. Burlison. Stop. You didn't write this. You are embarrassing yourself. Try thinking for yourself for once. It might free you.

Anonymous said...

You're pretty dense in the head with mush. Can't you even see you're a patsie in a dangerous game ? Let's see how to best destroy a democracy and a once great nation. 1st attack the FBI, then go after the CIA. Now attack our basic justice systems. Attack the judge,, and now lie about a jury of his peers. The man committed an actual crime and you'd rather tear the country apart than admit maybe you were wrong . It does take a man to admit he has made mistakes towing a party line into the ditch but obviously you're not a man or an intellectual.

Anonymous said...

Amen !

Anonymous said...

349, That's Lit

Atilla de Avilla said...

Eric Burlison
1) thinks, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) are angels
2) The solution to inflation is letting freight trains have priority over AMTRAK
3) Want to be briefed on the properties of Shinola, vs other dark substances (Deep State secret)
4) is the "Next to Least Bipartisan, US Representative" just behind the pedo, Jim Jordan