Monday, June 10, 2024

Joplin City Council votes to demolish Memorial Hall

The Joplin City Council voted tonight to demolish Memorial Hall at a cost of $5 million.

The decision came after city voters rejected a bond issue that would have paid for renovations. Options presented to the council before it made its decision estimated the cost of renovating the building would have been $37 million.

Mayor Keenan Cortez says the veterans' items that are currently in Memorial Hall will become part of a new Memorial Park.

So, Joplin will exchange a historical building that was promised to veterans in exchange for yet another city park.


Anonymous said...

Another city park that will be overrun by homeless and drug addicts.

Anonymous said...

If I lived in Joplin I would be starting recall petitions tomorrow. Past and current Joplin leaders have let Memorial Hall decay. Especially since they need a parking lot for the rich and snobbish's new building

Anonymous said...

yah a 5 million dollar park for the homeless to hang out real handy for souls harbor how stupid

Anonymous said...

It was promised as a memorial to veterans however buildings require maintenance and upkeep, and the city failed miserably to do this and it didn’t just happen over the past 20 years, this was a decades long denial of infrastructure upgrades that dates back to the 1960’s and 1970’s. Cannot blame recent leadership for those who kicked the can down the road for decades eventually forcing current leadership left to make the difficult and correct decision of demolition. First right decision made by the council in quite some time.

Anonymous said...

Gone baby gone

Anonymous said...

The citizenry voted down the levy. Should have put your effort into that.

Anonymous said...

Make sure Tamko or Liberty doesn’t take it for more parking

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that this wonderful old building does not have a Historic Designation and having Money being raised by Non-Profits or Donations to Fix and Repair this or Sell it. I will never understand how the Leggitt and Platt Group - Harry Cornell Arts and Entrainment Complex turned there Parking Lot into a Green Space, basically causing further demise of Memorial Hall - or why couldn't Memorial Hall been repurposed or Purchased by Harry Cornell and turned into an Arts and Entertainment Complex, do they need to put their name on everything?

If Joplin Union Station could be repurposed, why couldn't have Memorial Hall?

Anonymous said...

Why did the tax levy fail?

Anonymous said...

Joplin Union Station is another game of kick the can. Lol. It will never be restored.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Union Station is another lost cause.

Anonymous said...

This is a sad situation where two Joplin historical buildings, Memorial Hall and Joplin Union Station are just left to deteriorate and fall down, without any opportunities to revitalize these buildings.

Anonymous said...

I would bet most of the people complaining are the same ones who wouldn't support the tax to fix it. This is the outcome. Things cost money, and in the case of government that money comes from you. If you aren't happy, go vote next time.

Anonymous said...

WHY do you blame the current council for this decision when the damage was done by the last several councils that chose to not make any progress on the hall. I am 44 years old and when I was "younger" the building was old and outdated!! At this point, it's a business move that many people don't think about. At least it will be a part and not just another parking lot. If you all wanna get mad, why aren't you mad at those that allowed the new art center in front of the hall??? That was the dumbest waste of tax money and space that could have been used to refurb the MH.

Anonymous said...

Joplin tears historical bulidings down Webb City restores bulidings

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember going to several concerts, plays, circus, home shows, boxing and wrestling events at Memorial Hall. The main entertainment center in Joplin for years. As a Veteran's Memorial why couldn't the VA or other agencies had stepped up and saw any greater opportunities that this old historical building could be developed, modified or added to?

I am afraid that there was not enough Positive PR surrounding the Vote to get the required number of Voters to agree to the Tax Effort, but still nothing is very well thought out or planned - the Leggitt and Platt Group - Harry Cornell Arts and Entrainment Complex turned there Parking Lot into a Green Space, basically causing further demise of Memorial Hall - how can you support a Facility without adequate parking.

So let's give them the Land, give them Tax incentives to Harry Cornell Arts and Entertainment Center, who donated $4 to 5-Million then had to raise another $10 to 12-Million, through donations of the Doctors, Lawyers, and Wealthy Local Individuals, who will get a nice Plaque, to date, a total of 268 individuals, businesses, foundations, and community organizations have committed $16,257,752 – nearly 93% of the expanded $17.5 million goal for this Arts and Entertainment Center - What could have that same Money done to Preserve and Fix Memorial Hall?

This is all while Leggett & Platt Stock has dropped from $57 Dollars a Share to $11.41 over the last five years as they Close Plants and Layoff 100's of Employees as they continue to consolidate, layoff, and selloff business units - and move manufacturing oversees.

The company employed about 19,300 workers at the end of 2023, with about 10,900 of those working at international sites

Thank You Mr. Cornell who made all of his Money off the Back of his Hard Working Employees of Leggett & Platt as some of those Employees will soon be on Unemployment Lines and having the Taxpayers cover their Monthly Bills. Maybe the Leggitt and Platt Family needs to use their Money to Pay for current and future Unemployed Employees - so the Government doesn't need to use Taxpayer Dollars to Pay Them!