Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Carthage City Council's attorney asks Judge Crane to reset hearing- he's on vacation that day

In a motion filed this afternoon in Jasper County Circuit Court , St. Louis attorney Paul Martin representing the Carthage City Council and the city of Carthage asked Judge Gayle Crane to reconsider the temporary restraining order she issued this morning preventing the impeachment hearing for Mayor Dan Rife, which had been scheduled for Wednesday.

Martin said Crane "exceeded {her} authority by issuing the temporary restraining order."

Martin noted the judge had scheduled a hearing for January 14 (he meant June) and that Rife's attorney knows Martin will be on vacation from June 13 through July 8 "and will not be able to attend a June 14 hearing."

He asked the judge to reconsider the restraining order, cancel the June 14 hearing and "reset the motion for temporary restraining order prior to {his} vacation."

Previous posts

The Turner Report: Carthage mayor, citizens file motion for restraining order to prevent impeachment hearing; Dagnan finally fired (rturner229.blogspot.com)

The Turner Report: Court filing: Carthage mayor has "unclean hands," impeachment hearing must go on (rturner229.blogspot.com)

The Turner Report: Judge Crane issues restraining order, blocks impeachment hearing for Carthage mayor (rturner229.blogspot.com)


Anonymous said...

This is lazy and misleading. And you know exactly why. What else was mentioned in his filing?

Randy said...

Considering that I put the link to the filing in the post, I wasn't trying to mislead anyone. Also after reading the beginning of the filing, a whole lot of talking about not being given notice about a hearing that I see no evidence in the court records was even held, it didn't seem pertinent. No hearing was held. I already published a post that included all of Paul Martin's arguments against a temporary restraining order yesterday. Considering that I am the one who is posting all of this information and you are not finding as much in any other media source, I find the term "lazy" laughable.

Anonymous said...

Yes. It’s a little curious how this could be considered “lazy” when the entire document is given to us in the article.

If you’ve been reading Turner article comments the last few days, you’ll see the word “lazy” popping up continually by one anon commenter. No mystery there.

There’s been one key figure in this whole Carthage mess who loves to use the word “lazy” in the insults and accusations they hurl. Kinda gives themselves away. Hopefully they’re recalled very soon.

Anonymous said...

I don’t understand what’s even going on in Carthage. I’ve watched the news about it, read Randy’s posts about it. I just don’t understand.