Monday, December 23, 2024

Anderson man charged with raping sleeping woman

The McDonald County Prosecuting Attorney's office charged an Anderson man who allegedly raped a woman December 18 while she was sleeping.

According to the probable cause statement, Daniel Vaca (DOB 1995) and the woman were drinking in his car and in the parking lot at a casino:

{She} stated she did not remember the ride back home, but when she woke up the next morning, she was still hung over and {saw} Vaca on top of her having sex with her.

{She} later messaged Vaca asking her why he had sex with her when she was asleep and he stated he thought she wanted it.



Anonymous said...

Stop getting Drunk, Stop going to Casinos, Stop putting yourselves in Life Positions that will only Hurt You, Your Family, or Someone Else.

Anonymous said...

How about stop being a rapist ? Geesh

Anonymous said...

8:12PM, Comments are not gender specific and fit everyone, Stop getting Drunk, Stop going to Casinos, Stop putting yourselves in Life Positions that will hurt you or others. Rape is a violent situation, and the party in this article should be put in jail along time.
6:32AM, Stay away from unsavory individuals and unsavory locations or conditions that you should not put yourself in.
5:47AM, Send Rapists, Pedophiles, and all Criminals to jail. Does that sum it up - but if you do not take responsibility for your own actions, you could end up in trouble - Example don't go to a Diddy Freak Party - and expect just a glass of punch and piece of cake - be responsible - think!

Anonymous said...

Weird. Used to talk to him and had a fling for 5-6 months. I was 18/19 and he was 26/27 and never felt uncomfortable or threatened around him. We had fun and he’s a great person but I eventually ended things because I didn’t want a relationship at that time not because of him though. It’s crazy cause at that time he did not drink and was against drinking and also hated that I vaped and I’ve had alcohol drinks around him and never did he try to do that. the explanation of the girl doesn’t make a lot of sense but I’m sure there’s a lot more to the story. If it is true I truly feel bad for the girl. He was pretty heart broken when I ended things and he hated me for it but we were never negative to each other during our fling. His family is amazing. Hope you learn and heal from this Daniel. Same goes out to the female.

Anonymous said...

And obviously I believe you understand what the words defamation means. Obviously you are not aware of the full story and coming on here to comment on the subject with no facts. Do not begin to start by causing the man of doing something that had yet to be stated.

Anonymous said...

Once again has been ACUSED. This source and information is coming solely from a one sided party. Please do not begin to assume or slander without hearing from both sides and knowing the fully story.

Anonymous said...

Speaking personally as on the matter as well, I was also familiar with Daniel. He is a good person and this is 100% without a doubt in my mind not something he would do. He is a person I myself never felt uncomfortable or unsafe around. He is very friendly and respectful, not once did he ever show any sings of being a danger. He is not a drinker or a smoker, he in facts detest and denys it. He comes from and has an amazing, loving family. His mother is the most sweetest woman I’ve ever seen. He is a person that respects and would never touch a women without having first consent. Clearing there is information that is being left out and I pray the truth comes out to light. May God Watch over him and the woman’s family.

Anonymous said...

To all - Daniel Vaca, is innocent until proven guilty. He is charged with - Rape Or Attempted Rape - 1st Degree { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 566.030 }.

10:39PM, makes a good comment - he is just ACUSED. Yet from this point on he will always be linked to these Charges, whether he is found Innocent or Quilty - and will spend the rest of his life with that Scarlet Letter around his neck - So think twice on making a decision or taking an action that could affect you and your family the rest of your life - Think Twice...

1. A person commits the offense of rape in the first degree if he or she has sexual intercourse with another person who is incapacitated, incapable of consent, or lacks the capacity to consent, or by the use of forcible compulsion. Forcible compulsion includes the use of a substance administered without a victim's knowledge or consent which renders the victim physically or mentally impaired so as to be incapable of making an informed consent to sexual intercourse.

I am afraid coming from a good family or that his mother is a saint will not excuse his actions in a court of law - Plus what mother thinks their child is a rapist or murderer - No one knows what is in the Heart or Mind of any Man or Woman -

I will say - Don't put yourself in any position to be taken advantage of by anyone - we are not blaming the Victim or Mr. Vaca - but by keeping a clear head and one that has not been distorted by Alcohol or Drugs - is a good safe start to staying out of trouble.

No, Matter whether Quilty or Innocent - he will spend thousands of dollars in legal and court costs, time in court, which could cause him to lose his job and other assets, not to count his reputation and his family's reputation and standing in the community and face possible jail time and incarceration.

Again, the bad decisions we make can put us all in very tempting and vulnerable positions - and could affect us the rest of our lives - neither the Victim nor Mr. Vaca's Life will ever be the same - So think twice - that you don't throw your Life away - by making bad decisions or being with the wrong people or at the wrong locations. Just Think and Try to use Common Sense...

Anonymous said...

I believe in the justice system and believe if he he committed the crime he is being accused of he would have been put in jail a long time ago. Clearing further information is being left out and as always he is innocent until proven guilty. To come on here and say he should have been put in jail along time ago is saying anyone accused of such crimes should be jailed without a fair trial. That is not how the law works and clearing you should not be making such a bold claim.

Anonymous said...

"I believe in the justice system"

Ok, had to take a breather from all the laughing.

Anonymous said...

Most rapes are done by people the victim knows. People that rape should be held accountable regardless of what led up to the act. This is the only crime people say obviously gender based idiocy about. It is like saying that you should drive in safer neighborhoods when someone runs a yield and hits you. Stop victim blaming and start teaching your children about sex and the boundaries of consent and the law.

Anonymous said...

Convicted rapists should be eligible for longer, mandatory sentences and should never be cops.