Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Judge: No bond for Joplin man awaiting trial on fentanyl trafficking charges

A Joplin man charged with fentanyl trafficking will be held without bond while awaiting trial.

Judge David P. Rush issued the order for Mitch A. Braun, 26, following a 10-minute hearing this morning in U. S. District Court in Springfield.

Law enforcement found fentanyl and heroin in Braun's possession during a March 5 traffic stop in Newton County, according to the detention motion.

More information can be found at the link below.


Anonymous said...

Read the following 2-Articles on Fentanyl - Again, for all you naysayers - The Drugs - Fentanyl, Cocaine, Herion, and Meth - are coming across our Southern Borders and straight into America on our Interstates. So, if you think we do not need Closed Borders then you are just lying to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Why not build the wall?

If there was a wall along the Missouri Akansas border and another along the Oklahoma Missouro border wouldn't that fix these problems for Missouri?

Or will it take a wall on the Kansas border too?

What are we waiting for?

Anonymous said...

Well we have to do something to stop the influx of drugs, plus when people become addicted they resort to other crimes, breaking and entering, robbery, theft, to obtain items to sell to feed those addictions.