Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Billy Long to KSMU: It's not time for personal gain on the left or the right

In an interview with Springfield public radio station KSMU, Seventh District Congressman Billy Long said it is not time to play the blame game after the murders of six people and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona:

“Well, I think it’s a tragedy that people are, you know, even having that discussion going on right now when we have six dead, several injured, our colleague, Congresswoman Giffords, is fighting for her life as we speak, and we hope and pray that she’ll be back to work with us. There’s a, you know, a nine-year-old’s parents who are getting ready to bury her. And a federal judge, Johnny Roll, who everyone thought the world of out in Tuscon. And no one’s even thinking about the deceased, or the ones that are laying injured in the hospital. So to me, all this talk about whose fault it is and what is rhetoric getting to, you know, to me, it’s a lot of window-dressing for personal gain.
And that’s not the time for personal gain on the left or the right.”

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