Sunday, August 05, 2012

Sarah Steelman: Palin endorsement proves I'm a conservative

It is buried toward the bottom of a Los Angeles Times story about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's Friday visit to Kansas City to campaign for Sarah Steelman, but the former state treasurer says the endorsement proves that she is a conservative:

In an interview, Steelman said she hadn't met Palin before Friday evening, having requested the former governor's endorsement in a letter.The endorsement "really helps because it confirms my conservative credentials," Steelman said, adding later, "I'm proud to be compared to her and I'm proud to be endorsed by her."Palin spoke glowingly of the Senate hopeful onstage, at one point turning from her handwritten notes on a few pages of yellow legal pad to beam at Steelman."That's a hot mama grizzly you guys have!" Palin said, grinning. "Whew! She's gonna be a nice face there in that Senate."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a man had said that they would be up on charges.