Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Reporter/Carl Junction Councilwoman threatens Jayda's Beat founder, says Vaden guilty, McPherson not involved

Only one reporter knows what happened to three-year-old Jayda Kyle November 28 at 405 Meadow Lake Drive in Carl Junction and is willing to express with absolute certainty who murdered the child.

That reporter, according to an exchange of posts Tuesday night on the Jayda's Beat Facebook page is LaDonna Allen, a Carl Junction City Council member who also writes articles for the Carl Junction Citizen and Sarcoxie Record.

"I will let you in one thing if you would like," Allen wrote Becky Kemble, who manages the Jayda's Beat page.

"Judd was never at the home that night and yes, there is proof. And he wasn't called first." Allen was referring to Jayda Kyle's maternal grandfather attorney Judd McPherson, who Children's Division documents allege "manipulated" the murder investigation.

Despite this pronouncement, Allen did not tell Kemble what the proof was and apparently has not shared it with her readers.

The verbal battle between Allen and Kemble started after television coverage of the Tuesday afternoon press conference in which representatives of the Joplin NAACP and Black Lives Matter chapter and defense attorney Tracey Martin addressed their representation of the interests of Jalen Vaden, 22, Carl Junction, who was the live-in boyfriend of Jayda's mother Devyn Kyle. Vaden has been charged with second degree murder and felony child abuse in connection with Jayda's death.

Allen's husband Stewart commented negatively on the presence of Jayda's father Mac Kyle at the press conference and it was not long before Kemble discovered who had been interviewing her.

After that, the gloves were off.

When Kemble said she was "pissed" after learning that Allen was a Carl Junction City Council member, Allen responded, "I don't care if you are pissed. You are a waste of my time."

Allen said she was angry that her journalistic ethics were being questioned. After all, she noted, "I was the only reporter that traded (sic) Mac with respect in the fact that I did not bring up any of his criminal history or the custody situation when I covered the news, so don't you try to argue ethics with me."

Allen did not explain why she would have written about Mac Kyle's brushes with the law or the custody situation anyway since those only come into play if you are addressing the allegations that Judd McPherson manipulated the investigation and there was no reason for her to bring that up since she already knew what happened in Devyn Kyle's home the night Jayda was abused and had proof that McPherson was nowhere near there.

Then Allen made disparaging remarks about Kemble, who lives in Georgia, not knowing what is going on in Carl Junction.

"I actually live here and don't believe everything that is spoon fed to me." She added, "I was seriously trying to keep you from getting your ass in deep s***, but at this time, I hope you are neck deep in it."

Allen continued her charm initiative with what appeared to be a threat.

"You have no clue what you have done and what you are in for. Absolutely no clue how many things you have wrong."

When Kemble again brought up the subject of Allen's husband's remarks about the press conference, Allen again put her particular brand of Carl Junction diplomacy on display.

"Well, since I don't live inside his head, I can only speculate that his contempt was directed at the man sitting in jail that actually did abuse and kill the child and disbelief at someone who was in attendance."

Kemble asked Allen to tell her why she thought "I would be in deep s***."

Allen suggested that Kemble try to find another way to make use of her time instead of interfering in Carl Junction business.

"Get a hobby. Or a pet. Or anything. Just find a way to entertain yourself. Seriously. I'm busy. Perhaps read Pride and Prejudice. Seriously, anything!"

Allen also did not explain how she was so certain that the man who has been sitting behind bars in the Jasper County Jail since December 6 is guilty.

Nor has she ever shared that information with her readers.

Allen concluded the conversation by saying she had never threatened Kemble.

"I'm not going to enlighten you on anything because there is absolutely no threat from me. I don't really care what you do or say. It's not my ass that's going to be on the line. I learned a long time ago to only put the truth in writing."

Previous posts

Press conference claim: Jalen Vaden confession to Jayda Kyle murder was coerced

Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney outlines evidence against Jalen Vaden
Jalen Vaden to Jayda Kyle's father: I pray that you know I didn't do this to her

Family of accused Jayda Kyle murderer suspects outside manipulation as SMB, GoFundMe shut down accounts

Explosive court documents claim Jayda Kyle's mother turned her death into a social media event

Jayda Kyle's mother to answer questions under oath; defense to add Judd McPherson as a witness

Dankelson refuses to recuse from Jayda Kyle murder case, says he does not have a close relationship with Judd McPherson

Jalen Vaden's lawyer asks for change of judge, cites Dankelson's close relationship with Judd McPherson

Jalen Vaden bond decision delayed, preliminary hearing waived
Accused killer of Jayda Kyle to waive preliminary hearing
Bond motion filed for accused killer of three-year-old Jayda Kyle

Jasper County Sheriff: We are still investigating Jayda Kyle's death

Children's Division documents: Grandfather attempting to manipulate Jayda Kyle murder investigation

Juvenile Office documents: Jayda Kyle suffered bleeding from brain, severely torn retina, probably already brain dead when she arrived in K. C.

Some thoughts on the Joplin Globe's article on the Jayda Kyle murder investigation

Probable cause: Carl Junction man abused three-year-old, left her on the floor bloody, unconscious

Jayda Kyle obituary


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    That is so SW Mo.

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Welcome to Carl Junction MO home of the bullies

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I was threatened by a fanatic of this group "jaydas beat" today. Then my comments were turned off until admin says. I don't think I should have to watch my back for saying that I don't agree with funding Jalen Vaden. I don't agree with the groups majority who wants to uphold their claims that the alleged child murderer is innocent. I am seeing the cycle of abuse in the Vadens. Jalen Vadens father is behind bars for drugs. He is a repeat drug user and that makes room for concern that the cycle of abuse is continuing and Ultimately has led to a childs death.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      So the judgement continues. I will tell you personally, my parents were alcoholics and drug users. With that being said...I was never abused. Also I have never been an alcoholic or drug abuser. My children are safe and sound and not abused. Yes I disagree with your simple minded logic.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      What does your personal feelings, judgement on Jalen Baden have to do with this article? Sincere question. Just because apparently you have personal issues with Jaydas site person items anyone who doesn't agree with her is allowed to threaten her?

    3. Anonymous4:13 PM

      The majority of people in the group don't even speak so how do you know what "the majority" think? Carry on with your nonsense. Not everyone has a Dad to seal their records to hide from people who judge like you.

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Ok Dr. Freud.....I seriously doubt that any one from that group threatened you! How do you have any idea WHAT the majority of that group thinks? I believe it is called Justice for Jayda??? I take that to mean trying to make sure all responsible parties are held accountable and to help raise money for the paternal side of the family. Now that you’ve had practice playing psychologist with Jalens family, why don’t you strap yourself in and try working on the maternal side!!����

  4. Anonymous3:37 PM

    News conference yesterday has everyone in a fit. They are scrambling.

  5. This Ladonna Allen is crazy I hope she gets her ass fired, or thrown in jail for threats, maybe her and Devyn can share a jail cell together!!!

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      G-Dawg McPhlubberpickle will never let that happen.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    So how does she know McPherson wasn't there for sure?? Unless she was there!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I cannot believe you have lowered your standards Randy! Becky bullies people every day on her FB page. I sure hope you are smart enough not to exchange private messages with her because she will throw you under the bus! Do you have access to the entire exchange between Becky and Ladonna as it should all be printed! It sure does not sound like a threat!

  9. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Just because Jalens "father" is in jail doesn't mean he has had any influence on Jalen!!! You seem to know so much!! Just tell me how much effort Jalens "father" has put in to being a father to him?????????

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I would say that LaDonna Allen has overstepped her boundaries.
    Was she at the house on the night this happened? If not, her words are considered heresay.
    She has drawn attention to herself and has not helped this situation at all.
    People need to learn that somethings are better left unsaid.

    I noticed Devyn Kyle has also made many public FB posts that are completely unnecessary, and could be used against her in court. If my daughter had been killed in such a manner, I would completely defunct my FB account so as not to feed the media.
    But, as we know, people in general are not very intelligent.

  11. Anonymous4:34 PM

    If Judd was really interfering in this case, I would think he would be doing his best to squash all of the comments made by his daughter and people like this ignorant woman who just wants to run her mouth.

  12. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Mrs Allen, as a council woman your behavior and comments reflect poorly upon the people of your city.
    You need to learn to keep your mouth shut about things that don't personally relate to you or your family.
    Your comments are reckless and reprehensible.
    You have made yourself to look the fool.

  13. Anonymous4:46 PM

    LaDonna Allen should be removed from any capacity in which she represents the city of Carl Junction Mo. She makes the town look stupid by her comments.

    1. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Clearly, this post is from an out of state person doing the work of Becky or Becky herself. Who would need to put MO on a local site?
      Randy, investigate yourself. Do not let flattery sway your judgement. Report facts not what Becky tells you!

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Ummm I live here and still will use 'Joplin, MO' if I am speating or messaging someone who doesn't live here. Heck I've even found myself writing it on kids invites that they take to school. CLEARLY your assumption is wromg

    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      4:39 I can assure you I live in MO. I don't know Becky nor have I ever communicated with her. I also do not know LaDonna Allen.
      Anyone that holds a position in public office needs to be more cautious about their actions. They are a representative of their community. This woman is out of line and should step-down from her position.

  14. Anonymous5:46 PM

    @ 3:29....Ashley, you were not silenced. You were intentionally starting drama with anybody who would engage with you. Get out of here with your lies and craziness!!!

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Starting drama because she has her own opinion? Jayda's Beat is full of admin bullies who delete any comment they do not agree with regardless if the post!

  15. Anonymous6:06 PM

    3:29 - you can’t leave an anonymous comment when you’ve literally written the same comment and more all over Facebook using your name.
    You are entitled to your opinion. But others have theirs too

  16. Anonymous8:08 PM

    If ever an upcoming trial should be held in a different place--far, far away--this is it.

  17. SWMO MS-134:21 AM

    Corruption in SW MO? Hard to fathom.

  18. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Here they are folks. Lets get it cleaned up and vote them out.

    The Circuit Courts:

    The Circuit Courts have general jurisdiction over civil cases with any cause of action over $25,000; criminal felony cases transferred from Associate Court; Juvenile cases; domestic cases when assigned; and oversees Probate Court.
    Our current Circuit Court Judges are:

    Gayle L. Crane, Division I (also Presiding Juvenile Judge)
    Dean G Dankelson, Division II
    David B. Mouton, Division III and Probate (also Presiding Judge)

    The Associate Courts:

    The Associate Courts have general jurisdiction over civil cases with any cause of action under $25,000; small claims; traffic tickets; and criminal misdemeanors and felonies.
    Our current Associate Court Judges are:

    John Nicholas, Division IV
    Joe Hensley, Division V
    Stephen P. Carlton, Division VI

    The Family Court:

    The Family Court has jurisdiction over domestic cases including divorces; paternity actions; child support matters; child custody issues; and order of protection.
    Our current Family Court Commissioner is:

    Jerry Holcomb

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Have already thought about this. I will be watching and if through this investigation or trial I notice shady handling, I will make sure I campaign for shady officials opponent. It's the only way we can ensure change.

  19. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I can tell you that I live in Briarbrook and I'm very close to this story. Our county is corrupt as hell. This case is a perfect example of such. Based upon the facts that we know so far, it's a no brainer. Judd and gang attempted to cover for their evil daughter.

    Throw the entire family in jail until it's sorted out!

    Oh, don't forget to fire Allen as well.

    Dankelson too!

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Shocked people are so dumb to engage in conversations of the opposing party. Really? Allen couldn't just not respond?

  21. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Hmmm, wonder why Allen hasn't commented on this blog?

  22. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Wow... Just wow. I say lock the whole damn family up,(McPherson) & while your at it... Psych evals wouldn't be a bad idea.. js Smh sick just sick. The truth will prevail. God is handling it as we speak.

  23. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I hope this group leads other news agencies outside of SW MO to get in on this story. Randy is the only person around here that seeks the truth. The Globe will probably place G Caldwell, he of calling Obama a monkey fame, in charge of this story.

  24. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Well unfortunately the corruption continues. The group and administrative mentioned in this article received SEVERAL threats. This group was bringing attention to this case on a national level. Nancy Grace has posted a story on this case on her site. There's is no longer a Jaydas Beat. Due too the corruption wanting mouths shut and not wanting a responsible and outside investigation. This is sad that this area feels they have to bow down and accept this corruption.

  25. Anonymous8:58 PM

    A group with over 28000 people silenced? Why? People threatened to the point they felt they had to protect their safety and shut it down in hopes the threats would stop?

    I wouldn't think that innocent people would feel the need to act that way...
    IF it was me (as a truly innocent party)I would say bring on the outside experts to make sure there was never any doubt as to who took that innocent baby's life. But that's just me and that's just my own personal opinion.

  26. Anonymous11:04 PM

    If it was me I would not want to shut down any group unless they were touching a nerve and maybe wanting to make sure that they didn't succeed in uncovering the truth that MAY incriminate me. IF it was all nonsense and propaganda then why sweat it? Because they actually brought attention to something that someone feared. Once again with everything concerning this case, it all comes down to putting a muzzle on the truth. How many fb pages are out there? How many are nonsense and completely ridiculous? They are still more likely up and going. In this case certain people used their LEGAL abilities to shut it down. Believe me, when it comes to that baby girl, I'm still fighting and will NEVER stop. I'm just one person though. I'm just sad that people allow themselves to live in fear. I'm willing to accept any outcome if proven by authorities that are independent. Until that happens...everything seems so tainted. Any ethical person would want complete and honest and unbiased justice.

  27. Anonymous10:39 AM

    As someone who's been closely following this story it would seem that the long arm of the McPherson Clan has once again silenced a group of Americans who are only expressing their right to freedom of speech. I hope Mr. Turner is not threatened in to silence as the truth continues to come out. God Bless your heart Jayda Kyle.
