Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Jeff Flowers' campaign promise violates law set up to stop bribery

A Missouri Ethics Commission spokeswoman confirmed moments ago that a promise made by Joplin R-8 Board of Education President Jeff Flowers at the beginning of his re-election campaign is an apparent violation of Missouri campaign finance laws.

In his introductory letter dated January 7, Flowers wrote, "Any donation you give will be truly appreciated. Please make checks payable to Jeff Flowers for Joplin School Board Committee. I have included a postage paid return envelope for your convenience.

"Excess contributions will be donated to the Joplin Schools Foundation after the election."

According to the Ethics Commission spokeswoman, candidates are allowed to give excess money to a charitable organization after the election, but they are not allowed to make that kind of promise before the election to get someone's vote or to receive a campaign contribution.

The law is on the books, she said, to prevent bribery or the appearance of bribery in exchange for votes or money.


Anonymous said...

What are the consequences of this ethics violation? Is it like overspending the budget and it gets swept under the rug? Where is this supposed “accountability” and “transparency” that he said he holds?

Anonymous said...

It's hardly the first law broken or first violation of ethics since he has joined the district. It's more the norm than the exception.

It ranks right up there with a board member forming a false business in order to secure a bid by the district. But none of our esteemed board members would sink that low, would they? That's truly unethical. Business as normal.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least he's transparent about it. It's a pretty obvious bribe. Got to give the man what little credit you can!

Anonymous said...

So, what will be done about this? Probably nothing, since it's the Powers of Flowers in question.

Anonymous said...

If this guy wins it's because he bought the election. PEOPLE GET OUT THERE AND VOTE THEM OUT. Or else you can't gripe about them anymore.

Anonymous said...

You are probably right 3:02 about the Powers of Flowers. And I wonder if Mike Pence (and the Joplin Progress Committee) is now on the fence about Flowers. And I'm wondering if they will quit huffing and puffing and blow Huff's house down.