Monday, September 23, 2024

Eric Burlison: Democrats are calling for violence against President Trump

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

On September 15th, President Trump faced another assassination attempt as he golfed near his Florida golf club. 

This comes just two months after he was nearly killed during his rally in Butler, PA – and many questions still remain about this complete failure by the Secret Service.

It’s become clear that there is an alarming and ongoing push for violence against President Trump. 

The dangerous rhetoric, even from public officials, of comparing him to Hitler or labeling him a "threat to Democracy," is not only divisive but has radicalized individuals to dangerous extremes. 

This toxic climate undermines civil debate and fuels hostility. It’s critical that leaders across the spectrum denounce such language, calling instead for respectful dialogue. Political disagreements must never justify inciting or tolerating violence in any form.


Anonymous said...

You are LIAR!

Anonymous said...

Just read through this Blog - Republicans are Called - Nazis, Magats, Zealots, and Probably Other Names - that cannot even be Published.

So, Violence against others with different Views is not a far stretch.

Anonymous said...

Democrats call for Abortion against Unborn Children and use the Abortion Platform to Kill Children - and then say it's our Bodies to cover up for their Failure to use Birth Control or Abstinence - as an excuse - why wouldn't they use Violence against people with differing views.

Anonymous said...

That's why the NRA is made up mostly of liberals!

The real conservatives stick to stones and swords, as those are more biblical.

Anonymous said...

And then the Democrats are called? demons and libtards and bla bla bla. You all always play the victim but do the same things

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I bet you blame the women when they get raped as well.

Anonymous said...

I find it hilarious that Republicans are up in arms about a (non-existent) call for violence against Trump - the man that called for a violent overthrow of the government that injured and killed people when he lost a fair election. The guy is a loser...he will do the same thing when he loses again in November.

Anonymous said...

I'm not even going to give my opinion to the waxmans statement or to rest of you right wing extremists. This blog is getting redundatly less interesting as feelings are often hurt and statements of outrageous fanatical ignorance becoming the norm. I'm out. Elvis.

Anonymous said...

Trump knows the Capitol crappers and gallows builders were there for him. The little waxman is just lying.

Anonymous said...

This man is an op