Thursday, August 29, 2024

Two women indicted for Jasper County meth trafficking conspiracy

The federal grand jury indictment of two women for their alleged involvement in a methamphetamine conspiracy and on weapons charges.

According to the indictment, Amy D. Shackelford (pictured), 48, and Lesley Ingalsbe, 31, were involved in the conspiracy to distribute more than 50 grams of meth between January 1 and January 18, 2022.

Shackelford is also charged with possession with intent to distribute, possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime and possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.

Ingalsbe was also charged with possession with intent to distribute.

Shackelford made her initial court appearance today in U. S. District Court in Springfield. Her arraignment is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. September 4. No hearing dates have been scheduled for Ingalsbe.


Anonymous said...

Check this-

Anonymous said...

Two more Drug Distributors / Users - Off the Streets. These Distributors provide the Drugs, while the Users, Rob, Steal, Break-in and Victimize Citizens to feed their Habits.

Congrats to the Law-Enforcement / Task-Force - Hopefully the Judges, Prosecutors, and Jurors - will see fit to Lock them up and not just give them a "Slap on the Wrist or Probation and Community Service".

Let's Stop Feeling Sorry for the Criminals and Start Feeling Sorry for the Victims - Be Tough on Crime.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That Tub o’ Guts pictured doesn’t look like she’s a partaker of meth.

Anonymous said...

What would we all do without the wisdom of 545? My IQ is made several points higher because 545 enlights us all into deep thinking, and who could ever come up moral judgment that is irrefutable and ways of living that none of us would or could think on our own. Utterly amazing.

Anonymous said...

3:08PM, always has negative comments and complaints about other people's comments, but never ever comments, has insights, or any solutions on the articles though. As for IQ you continually show all of us, you have a very low IQ. Make you own comments about the articles, stop pushing your negative attitude and agenda on to others. Maybe that way people might think you have insight and can think deeper than your basement living quarters, than being pessimistic all of your shallow life. Dazzle us with your amazing grasp of the world and your Bad Attitudes in life, did your Boss ask you to take out the Trash or Clean the Toilets at Mickey-D's. Live Long and Be Stupid - has to be your Motto. Oh, show us great one all the grasp and insightfulness you bring to any conversation, we can tell your debating capabilities are nil since you can never stay on topic.

Do you ever read the Articles, or do you only understand pictures?

Anonymous said...

Can you add anything to the conversation 3:08 PM, instead of just your constant petty insults that only show your disdain and low IQ and are never on the topic of the blog posts? Do you enjoy being the center of attention, because of your low self-esteem and lack of confidence why not try coming up with a clear Intelligent thought on your own about this article on Drug Traffickers being caught and indicted?

Anonymous said...

I read all the articles and regularly contribute my wisdom and insights. I just cringe at reading yours 905. They all follow the same script and it would work if this was the 1950's and we were all your elementary grade students. If you could come on back to the future and get with the program, I promise to be a regular in affirming your posts.

Anonymous said...

2:06PM - Add something to the CONVERSATION about the ARTICLE - Not your Self-Centered Attitude about Others. Talk about Non-Respect, if you maybe had a little more insight and understanding of the Past, you wouldn't be such a Rude / Crude / Social Unacceptable Outcast. We all know you have No-Friends, No-Life, and No-Interactions with anyone, because of your Bad Attitude.

Are you Soft on Crime - because you are a Criminal? Do you ever Feel any Empathy for the Victims of Criminals who have been Hurt because of these Criminals - Tough on Criminals is not a 1950's Attitude - IDIOT - you have a Higher Chance of being a Victim of Crime Today than ever before.

Please Stop trying to assume you have any level of insight or intelligence - that just shows everyone how truly ignorant you are. Words cannot even describe what a lame person you are lacking in all things, just trying to push buttons - didn't you and others just have a warning from this Blog to STOP - being negative and start comminating on the Articles. Now please just hide in your Basement, Order your Door-Dash, and Stop bothering Others that want to discuss the Topics of the Articles, STOP, being a Selfish-Jerk.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone's feelings are hurt again. I just can't do it anymore 501,1112. It's just too easy and I feel really guilty. I can't keep tormenting your tortured fragile soul. So, in response, I promise to never read your entries so that you will now be free to post all the useless malarky you want and never hear from me again. Adios 501, 1112 (same person), I'm not going to miss our highly enjoyable bantering over official TR decorum and how your pride has perpetually been abused.

Anonymous said...

Are 3:08PM and 2:06PM some type of leftwing liberals? Thinks they know everything except in reality they are just angry at themselves and their life choices and have to make stupid annoying comments. Always showing or trying to show everyone that they are some type of elitist, when they probably have very minimal education, minimal career capabilities, and a lifestyle lacking in achievements. When they should be trying to learn from the Wisdom of others to up their Low IQ's and possible pickup on the morals of the 1950's when people had respect, empathy, and true convictions and made comments that had positive impact not just always attacking other's comments and not even making any of their own due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the topics.

Anonymous said...

See if you can spot the person speaking for Uhmerryca!

Anonymous said...

Yet another enamored feeble follower of my wisdom and wit with hurt feelings again? The force must be strong with me. 800 is yet another clear example of a horrific debilitating affliction, similar to 836 and 501, "rambling malarkey syndrome" is a disorder of executive functioning that limits ones ability to form educated cohesive thoughts and the lack of ability to articulate them into meaningful communication. I have no idea what you said in your post 800 because you "ramble on" with pointless incessant ignorance and arrogance that quite frankly, is repugnant and intellectually a complete and total failure. I'm ghosting 454 for their health and mental well-being, shall I do same with you?

Anonymous said...

2:04PM, please leave the world a better place and just go away. We all see you are some type of liberal, woke, common or binary pronoun lunatic, with little regard or respect for others except your misguided assumption you have any level of intelligence to offer the space you reside in.

Anonymous said...

Why is 7:00 and 2:04 here to try and insight turmoil, not to comment on the articles. What an inability to see their personal disorders while trying to fit into society. Classic case of mental problems, hidden behind an unconscious agenda. We can just pity this person and their life.

Anonymous said...

709,722, I'm sitting here laughing my arse off at you two because I'm picturing two extremely insecure and thin-skinned magats taking this all personal. It's only a blog (a good one at that) that, if you're unaware, is all about opinions that often times differ. Just because I disagree or find fault at your posts doesn't mean that you specifically are inadequate or a complete failure. Unfortunately, you both, along wth 905, seem to catastrocize any and all comments you deem critical or judgmental that are directed toward you. Please grow up, grow some confidence, and learn to take things less personal. You might discover you have a better job and more friends. Buenos Nochez.

Anonymous said...

I come to this site just to get my daily dose of deep insight from 545. I have for years. Where else can an uneducated rube like myself gain such knowledge?

Anonymous said...

10:05AM, To many leftist liberal woke radicals, Opinions are fine about the Articles, but you Dems, cannot stay on topic or comment on them, you are always pushing for an argument, always pushing to cause reaction, and when you get it, you are just oblivious to what you have said or done. So if someone needs to grow up, you need to check your Dem status at the door, comment on the Articles, every rebuttal to your negativity has stated the same thing, comment on the articles, comment on the articles, over and over, which you failed to do, yet you continue to spread your negativity. How many people need to tell you the same thing, Dems, stop hijacking the conversation, stop commenting on the comments, comment on the articles, for the 1000th time, and if you have to try and get your anonymous 15-minutes of hate fame, do it someplace else, let people give their opinions on the articles, your job, if you have one, is not to devalue others comments or opinions on the articles.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, how many more of you thinskinned magats are going to repeat the same none arguments over and over again. Maybe we have a new diagnosis of "Redundant Rambling Malarkey Syndrome" because 711 is the epitamy of 709,722, 800,and 454. All rambling expressions of hurt feelings and ignorance. Again, let me state that I have considerable influence and control over you magats, not coincidentally as your orange deplorable has complete dominance over you. Apparently, you all desire to be controlled? Thanks 711 for not going into your pronoun obsession. I, in all truth, hope you all have an awesome day!

Anonymous said...

Comment on the Articles 10:11AM, because you and all the comments you make are the ones that "Redundantly Ramling ON and ON". Last Time Comment on the Articles. The only one you control is the many voices you hear in your woke liberal head, and your influences are the rest of the libs that hide out in their basements that would listen to such a pathetic person that thinks they could influence any intelligent person. Is that the right pronoun or how do you want this forum to address you today, she/her/hers, he/him/his, and they/them/theirs. There are other nonbinary pronouns. It is important to ask people what their pronouns are. So we are asking so we do not offend you!

Anonymous said...

Seriously 508? Another magat with insecurity issues? No wonder you bow before your orange abomination. You all are pathetic pawns who are brainwashed to believe everything your master says. You all now need to get in line, lick your self esteem wounds, and shut up. That's an order!