Friday, August 02, 2024

Eigel, one of three candidates for governor endorsed by Trump, to be in Joplin


Bill Eigel, who along with Lieutenant Governor Michael Kehoe and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is one of three candidates former President Donald Trump endorsed for governor will be in Joplin Saturday.

Eigel is scheduled to be at Hackett Hot Wings, 520 S. Main for a meet and greet.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, will not be in attendance. This is three of the most deplorable individuals running for office in missouri. Brimstone and fire will surely fall at this cult meeting. Save yourselves and those you love. Don't go.

Anonymous said...

1112. Wasn’t going before… I will be bringing friends as well

Anonymous said...

Get your covid boosters before going please! No doubt an environment ripe for infection.

Anonymous said...

11:12AM - I am sure "NO ONE", will miss your Scowling Face in the Crowd! Since it is the same one most Democrats carry with them.

Again, California and New York - beckons you - the Land of the Dems with High Taxes, High Prices, High Crime Rates, High Homelessness, and Sanctuary States and Cities for all the Illegal Aliens - or just move to Kansas City or St. Louis - Democratic Ran Cities in Missouri - better known as the Murder Capitals of the United States - Yes, the Dems have a lot to offer as can clearly be seen by how they run States and Cities!

Now Pack Your Bags - and Just Say - Good Bye!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious 342, ,(1112 here) your best post in a long time. Unfortunately, you sound exactly like a Faux News political analyst. I'm giving you a 6.5 out of 10.