Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Missouri Supreme Court sets execution date for Rowan Ford's killer

The Missouri Supreme Court has set a 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 3, execution date for Chris Collings, the man who raped and murdered 9-year-old Rowan Ford, Stella, a fourth grader at Triway Elementary, in 2007.

The warrant of execution was filed today.

Attorney General Andrew Bailey's office filed a motion April 2 to set the election date. Public defenders working on Collings' behalf, filed a long shot motion to have his sentence tossed out claiming the defense was not told that a chief witness against Collings, former Wheaton Police Chief Clifford Clark had violated Collings' rights in obtaining a confession from him and had a record of illegal activity when he was serving in the military.

In the motion, the public defender also noted that another man, Rowan Ford's stepfather David Spears, had also confessed to the crime.

In his motion to set an execution date, the attorney general detailed Collings' crimes:

In November of 2007, Christopher Collings abducted, raped, and murdered nine-year-old Rowan Ford of Stella, Missouri, in Newton County.

Afterwards, Collings threw the victim’s body in a sinkhole near Powell, Missouri in McDonald County. Collings also burned the rope he used to strangle the victim, the blood-stained clothing he wore during the attack, and his blood-stained mattress. Collings eventually confessed to the police.

Collings was convicted in Phelps County by a jury selected from Platte County. During the punishment phase of the trial, the jury found that Collings had tortured the victim in a way that was vile, horrible, and inhumane. The jury also found that Collings murdered the victim to prevent her from testifying against him regarding the rape.

Collings’s conviction and sentence have been reviewed by the Missouri Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court. No court has ever found any legal errors.


Anonymous said...

Chris Collings - is a worthless piece of crap, that should have been sent to Hell over a decade ago. Rowan Ford's Family and Society should not have had to deal with or support this evil individual for over 16-years - this type of heinous act clearly shows we are too soft on Criminals -

While the average time elapsed between imposition of their death sentence to their execution is 233 months, or 19.4 years. So, these Killers can set on Death Row for almost 20-Years, enjoying and being taken care of on Societies Dime - while the Victim's Family has to live without their loved ones!

Stop being Soft on Criminals and Start feeling Sorry for their Victims - -
Twenty (20) Years for Justice is Too Long - - Why do we allow these Liberal Courts and Attorneys - to File Continuances, Extensions, and Appeals - Over and Over - Again - - Justice needs to be Swift and Complete - “Justice delayed is Justice denied.”

Anonymous said...

Just wondering 622, is it to your exceptual intellectual insights that extend beyond us commoners, that death is more painful than living incarcerated
for 21 years with no hope and no purpose to live? I say let him live on death row for the remainder of his life not knowing when or how his day of death is coming. Death is too humane.

Anonymous said...

10:59AM - Yes, to answer you with my Exceptional Intellectual Insights - He got the Death Penalty - Not Life Without Parole - Rowan Ford's Family, Friends, and Society - Deserves this Sick Person - Chris Collings - Put to Death - only then can their Family, Friends, and Society - Start Healing from this Tragedy. This is Not What He Wants or What You Want or Trying to Play Mind Games with Chris Collings - Society has Judged that Chris Collings - Be Put to Death - the only Problem is that he got Twenty Years Longer to Live than he should have - because of Liberal Courts and Attorneys - and he got to File Continuances, Extensions, and Appeals - while the Family, Friends, and Society - had to Relive this Over and Over - Just Put this Bastard to Death - .

To Further Educate you 10:59PM - do you Remember Charles Manson - he was given the Death Penalty - but then the Liberals in California changed the Death Penalty Laws to Life in Prison - and Guess what - that change made him eligible for Parole - Could that Happen in Missouri - Yes. Again, Soft on Criminals - because Liberals think they can Change everyone and everything!

In 1971 Manson was sentenced to death, but, following the abolition of capital punishment in California in 1972, his sentence was commuted to life in prison. He became eligible for parole in 1978 but was denied then as well as in numerous subsequent hearings.

Anonymous said...

You plainly just don't get it 526. Magats like yourself blame libs for everything wrong in your life because trump said you gained 75 pounds by eating too much liberal made junk food. You say to yourself: "exceptionally awesome and incredible conspiracy believing self, if it weren't for those meany conspiring libs who are responsible for all fatty foods, I wouldn't be so damn fat". Think about it 536, do you really think death row is a party, do you really think libs don't want justice? I say you need to spend 20 years in your 8x12 concrete cell with no hope of ever living a normal life again, and forever losing all freedom. Death would be a blessing and easy way out over having to live behind bars this side of hell.

Anonymous said...

6:44PM - Why Can't You Understand - You Just Don't Get It - He was Found Guilty - He is Sentenced to Death - Not Life - Let me Repeat that - Sentenced to Death - It is Not about Me or About You or For You to Figure Out what is Worse - Life or Death - Or Who Cares About Your Interpretation of Life or Death - He Deserves Death and that is What he is going to Receive - The Jury Spoke and Passed Judgement as well as Society. Rownan Ford's Family, Friends, and the Rest of Society - has Not Spoke Up to Forgive him, Nor to Help Him Plead his Case for Life in Jail - WONDER WHY???

They Want Justice for their Child - So that they and others can start Healing from this Tragedy. This Criminal does not deserve to see another day!!!

Plus since Death is such a Blessing, In Your Simple Opinion, Why has he been Fighting the Death Penalty, he Received for 20-Years to Delay the Inevitable - Does that make any sense Einstein - E=mc2?

I am sure you will still never figure this out or how a Family Feels about the loss of loved one - so just keep thinking you know anything - and your wild-eyed liberal views - but the Rest of us in Society - Believe in an "Eye for an Eye", and you "Reap what you Sow", and the sooner Chris Collins is in Hell - the Better the World will be...

Anonymous said...

Your word salad is unintelligible and so completely elementary in depth. I get it that you think just because it's cloudy it's going to rain. Such elementary thought is such an egregious disadvantage to expressing meaningful and intellectually stimulating thought. Sorry 909, I just couldn't make it through your excessive verbage before drifting off. Please get to the point sooner. Thank you and hope you have an exceptionally outstanding day.