Monday, August 26, 2024

Joplin Police make six DWI arrests on Saturation Saturday

(From the Joplin Police Department)

Saturday, August 24th, was Saturation Saturday and law enforcement officers from around the area teamed up to focus on removing impaired drivers from the roadways. 

This year's campaign was a great success as Joplin PD’s effort resulted in 6 DWI related arrests from Saturday night/Sunday morning, with 9 DWI arrests in total for the weekend, and 13 DWI arrests for the week. Great work to all the men and women in law enforcement who worked as part of this effort.

Additionally, we are thankful for everyone who made the smart decision to not drink and drive. 

For those arrested, we hope this is a lesson learned and that it will curb future decisions to operate a vehicle while under the influence. Be responsible, have a plan, have a sober driver, and don’t drink and drive.


Anonymous said...

I commend the Joplin Police Department for their due diligence in taking these Drunk Individuals off the Highways, so they do not kill others and themselves.

I am assured that this was not the first, second, or third time that the majority of them were Driving while Intoxicated - our courts need to send them and others a message that Driving Drunk will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

Around here……no way.