Monday, August 12, 2024

Joplin residents charged with child abuse after children found in urine-soaked car with meth and loaded gun

Two Joplin residents were charged with two counts of child abuse or neglect after two children, crystal meth and a loaded firearm were found in a urine-soaked vehicle according to probable cause statements filed today in Jasper County Circuit Court.

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office also charged Michael Dean Johns (DOB 1972) with possession of a controlled substance. 

In addition to the child abuse counts, Crystal Pamela Hamilton (DOB 1984), was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $10,000 cash only for Johns and Hamilton.

From the probable cause statement for Johns:

Upon my arrival, I contacted Michael Dean Johns on the property standing by the driver’s side window of a white 1994 Ford Explorer. 

While on scene, a loaded syringe containing clear liquid was located on the driver side windshield wiper of the vehicle, where Mr. Johns was standing. The syringe was later tested with a TruNarc device and tested as Methamphetamine. 

During the investigation V1 and V2 were observed inside the vehicle sleeping. The vehicle was observed to be completely in disarray and utter filth. The odor of urine emitted from the vehicle. The odor of urine was pungent and made officers feel sick on scene. 

During a search of the vehicle a clear baggie containing white crystalline residue and a red cut straw containing white residue was located on the front passenger side of the vehicle. 

An unsecure loaded firearm was also located within arms' reach of the juveniles on the passenger side of the vehicle. V1 has a medical issue and needs constant care and has a urine catheter. V1’s shirt and pants were soaked in urine.

Hamilton's probable cause statement contains the same information, but notes that Hamilton is the children's mother.

The case was investigated by the Joplin Police Department.


Anonymous said...

My heart aches for the children.

Anonymous said...

Those poor babies

Anonymous said...

Hopefully those Children - will get the Help and Love they need. Children are our most Precious Gifts! Sad that most Parents do not realize that...

This is a situation that occurs over and over again - most of the time starting with the gateway use of Marijuana - and the next step toward using substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or prescription opioids - Etc., ruining lives along the way.

Yet, we want to legalize Marijuana across the Country - so that everyone can get "High" and have their Constitutional Rights to do what they want to themselves and others. While Long-Term Marijuana Smokers - have prolonged period increases with the risk of problems such as cough, chronic bronchitis, increased risk and frequency of pneumonia, and other lung illnesses - and long-term effects on the Circulatory System - which may result in syncope, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Just like Tobacco usage.

Another review that same year concluded that cannabis use may cause permanent psychological disorders in some users such as cognitive impairment, anxiety, paranoia, and increased risks of psychosis.

Yet, No one learned anything from the Tobacco Companies, selling their Poison - Just - Sell, Market, and Glamorize a Product that Kills You - While Making Billions of Dollars - Which is exactly what the Marijuana Industry is doing.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get pot is a gateway drug? Back in the day, several people,(myself included) used to smoke quite a bit of pot. Until we didn't. Never missed it, didn't go to harder drugs. I tried a couple things but they were not for me. And life just went on. It's legal now but I'm not interested. As far as I know, my friends never got hooked on anything either. So don't lump EVERYONE into a tight little ball.

Anonymous said...

Why Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

10:15AM - Not knowing your level of use, decade of use, or the quality of your Marijuana - but the Average Level of THC in Marijuana in the late 1990's was 3.8%, today it is closer to 12.2% to 32% - that is almost 4 to 8 times Higher - THC is Very Addictive / Habit Forming.

Your parents' pot was much weaker than what you'll find in the stores today. Back in the '60s, '70s and '80s, marijuana had a THC content of less than two per cent. But since the '90s, the amount of THC — the chemical component that gets you high — has climbed significantly.

With the legalization of recreational cannabis, the industry has developed strains and products with much higher potency than ever before. Today's weed can reach 15 per cent THC or more, and concentrated products like oils, edibles and glass-like products called shatter can have a THC concentration as high as 90 per cent.

Find anyone using substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or prescription opioids - and at one point or another - they have all used / tried / experimented with Marijuana to some degree - .

Research on “is marijuana a gateway drug” suggests that many people experiment with a “softer” drugs such as marijuana before moving on to “harder” drugs, or even alcohol. Studies show that adolescents and teenagers are among those who use marijuana. In fact, an estimated 43.5 million Americans aged 12 or older in 2018 used marijuana in the past year. Many young people use the drug because it is cheaper, easily accessible, and less addictive compared to drugs like heroin or cocaine. Others use it due to peer pressure or as a way to cope with family or academic stress.

Further probing on why marijuana is a gateway drug reveals that the THC in marijuana primes the brain for enhanced responses to other drugs. This happens because prolonged marijuana use causes the brain to make less dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical responsible for making humans feel good. Once dopamine production slows, the individual using marijuana may turn to harder drugs to feel good or normal.

Anonymous said...

When You copy and Paste, it doesn't translate as Well to your typing Style, hmm?

Anonymous said...

Smoking marijuana doesn't necessarily make you a neglectful patent. Meth is more of a problem.

Anonymous said...

3:10PM - Smoking Cigarettes or Marijuana, is neglectful not only to yourself but to your kids - both causes Health Problems, especially the Second hand Smoke and they are both Habit Forming and Expensive Habits - how much time do you spend getting your next High, how much money do you spend to support these Habits - instead of Spending that Time and Money with or on your Kids, and when you are lying in your bed with Health Problems, because you Smoked - either Cigarettes or Marijuana all your life and your Family - "Kids" have to take care of you - is that neglectful, because you decided to indulge your life away and now they have to pay the price??? So - Smoke 'Em If You've Got 'Em and keep supporting the Tobacco and Cannabis Companies - because they could give a crap about you or your kids.

Anonymous said...

I notice an abundance of Wikipedia cut and paste on this thread.....many sunday school "authorities" offering their deep intellect and moral beliefs. I have no problem with that, however, throwing around such ingenious and misguided opinions by these herbal virgins only motivates pervayors of the herb to more enthusiastically embrace said herb. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

5:20PM - So Medical Facts of what Tobacco and Cannabis does to your Body and Brain - with Independant Medical Testing, Studies, and Articles in Medical Journals - are all ingenious, misguided opinions - by herbal virgins - or just the moral beliefs of a few?

Or could it be that you want to fail to see the Truth and Hide behind your Opinion - to maintain your Euphoria of getting high or sustaining your Buzz or Habit that you cannot break - which is what the Tobacco and Marijuana Industry is trying to keep you a Prisoner to their Revenue Stream - even though you will become a Medical Statistic - Costing the Taxpayers to Support you when become sick.

How many people after getting diagnosed with Cancer, COPD, or other Health Issues caused by Tobacco and Marijuana - who are on Hospice or Palliative Care - then look back and go - "I wished I would Never have Started or got Hooked on Cigarettes or Marijuana"?

It is your Right to do what every you want to your Body and Brain - Spending Money and Time - that might have been used in better areas of your life -

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the family that's been living in the white minivan down by Landreth Park. If not somebody should check on them as well, absolutely disgusting.

Anonymous said...

751, how on earth do you keep coming up time after time after time, with these verbal word salads? I would never want to ask you for directions.

Anonymous said...

Miss Hamilton is my cousin and she got on meth because she started Dating Mike who is a meth addict not by smoking pot she still struggles with getting a job because her leg is messed up from a job she had as a mail carrier and was mauled by a German shepherd not making excuses for her just shedding some light and no I don't agree with her careless actions I'm so sad for the boys I told her several times I would take them in so they wouldn't be on the streets but her head was too far up Mikes ass to see the urgency for the children in the situation....😔💔