Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Allegation: Secretary claims Westview C-6 Board ordered her to alter minutes to hide financial problems from public

The Westview C-6 School District finds itself in a precarious financial situation and from all indications district officials and the board of education are doing everything possible to make sure the public doesn't know what's going on and the role they played in creating the situation.

As revealed in the July 16 Turner Report, the board placed Superintendent Misty Hailey on leave after discovering she had allegedly misused the district's credit card, including paying approximately $800 for her daughter's wedding dress.

The board discussed Hailey's use of the credit card during a closed session with the discussion being included in the minutes, but when a district patron filed a Sunshine Law request for the closed session minutes, the board used delaying tactics, then Board President Craig Wilson and Interim Superintendent Everett Raney asked Board Secretary Carrie Campbell to alter the records to remove all references to the credit card discussion.

Campbell revealed the order in a formal complaint filed with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

On or around June 2024, I was instructed by Board President Craig Wilson and Superintendent Dr. Raney to alter and redact minutes from closed session board meetings held on or around May 2024. 

These meetings included discussions about budget reallocations and the dismissal of a staff member, which were sensitive topics that the board wanted to conceal from public record. 

For example, I was specifically told to remove references to discussions. These actions violate the Missouri Sunshine Law (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 610.015) and demonstrate an intent to mislead both the public and state authorities. 

I have recorded evidence of these instructions.

The allegation of orders to alter the closed session minutes is also expected to be included in another legal action expected to be filed later this week in Newton County Circuit Court.

The board's secrecy concerning its operations extended to the hiring of Raney as interim superintendent. The district never advertised the opening and hired the retired Exeter superintendent at a reported salary of $80,000 annually, $5,000 more than Hailey, even though Raney is only working part-time so he can continue to draw his state pension.

Raney is also reportedly being paid $700 a month to drive back and forth from Exeter.

A draft document of Campbell's legal action against the district, which was included with the complaint sent to DESE, also alleges Raney either falsely or unknowingly told the board the district "would not be liable to paying any settlement to Misty Hailey, claiming the district's insurance would cover such lawsuits. However, an inquiry to the insurance provider confirmed that no such coverage existed, leaving the district potentially liable for $270,000 out of pocket."

In the draft document, Campbell notes actions taken by the board may have left the district teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

The district's financial mismanagement, including the illegal reimbursement practices, the unauthorized hiring and compensation of Dr. Raney, and the concealment of potential liabilities from the public, have placed the district at significant legal and financial risk, potentially resulting in insolvency.

(Correction: The post has been changed to reflect that the wedding dress cost approximately $800, not $8,000.)


Previous Report


Anonymous said...

It's gonna be on like a pot of pig trotters!

Anonymous said...

In the story about Westview C-6 dated July 6. 2024 what you posted included:

"There was at least one thing Hailey did that was not done with the board's okay.

District sources tell the Turner Report Hailey used the district credit card to buy a wedding dress for her daughter to the tune of approximately $800. Hailey told the board it was a mistake, but reportedly has made no effort to repay the money."

Is there a typo or is it now alleged by someone that the wedding dress allegedly cost $8,000?

Anonymous said...

This is beyond the scope of Sunshine Laws - this is Fraud, Theft, and Corruption - and Charges should be brought against several of these Participants - -

Randy said...

Thanks for catching that. Yes, that should be approximately $800 and has been changed to reflect that.

Anonymous said...

As it's about 40 miles each way from Exeter, the taxpayers of C-6 should be glad it's only costing $700 to pay Mr Fantastic to drive himself to and from work.

Uber would cost at least twice as much!