Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Crystal Quade captures Democratic nomination for Missouri governor

By Rebecca Rivas

Crystal Quade won the Democratic primary for governor Tuesday, defeating Mike Hamra by 19 percentage points when the race was called by the Associated Press shortly before 9:45 p.m.

Quade has represented her Springfield legislative district for the last 8 years, becoming House minority leader in 2019.  

Though Missouri voters haven’t elected a Democrat for statewide office since 2018, Quade believes she has a strong chance at winning because of the ballot measure to enshrine abortion rights in Missouri’s constitution that will likely come before voters in November.

Since June 2022, nearly every abortion has been illegal in the state with the exception of medical emergencies.

“I was there when the abortion ban was passed and stood on the House floor and shared my own personal story of abuse,” she told The Independent last month, “and so many stories and other women have shared and how these bills deeply impact our ability to plan our lives.”

Quade graduated from Missouri State University in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in social work, and then started climbing the political ladder right out of college by working for former U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill as a legislative aide.

She grew up in a small town in Southwest Missouri and says a college internship in Jefferson City pushed her to get into politics.

“I was very frustrated with a lack of understanding of what regular working class folks go through,” she said. “It was then that I decided that I wanted to get involved, and I wanted to run for office one day.”

Before heading to cast her vote at the Kansas City Urban Youth Academy, Rebecca Yang, 28, made a list of candidates’ positions on health care access, education and community health.

A few months ago, Yang, who is a medical resident in the area, went to the Missouri Capitol with her colleagues to sit in on committee hearings and meet with lawmakers.

“What was very surprising to us was that a lot of them didn’t seem to be informed on a lot of the issues, especially health care issues.”

She said it was eye-opening how politics can affect her industry and communities she serves.

“When it comes to women’s rights, especially when it comes to abortion issues, I think there are a lot of misunderstandings.”

On Tuesday she voted for Crystal Quade.

“I’m hoping for fresh faces,” she said. “I’ll leave it at that.”

Nina Hampton of Columbia took a Democratic ballot at American Legion Post 202 and voted for Quade for governor.

Abortion rights is an important issue for Hampton.

“I am in favor of women’s rights to decide what to do with their own bodies,” she said.

John Elder of Columbia also voted for Quade.

“I just felt she had the overall experience and the qualifications,” Elder said.

The Independent’s Anna Spoerre and Rudi Keller contributed to this story.

(Photo by Annelise Hanshaw/Missouri Independent)


Anonymous said...

Well with Crystal Quade running for the Democratic Nomination for Missouri Governor - the Republicans, shouldn't have any worries - especially since she worked for former U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill as a legislative aide - No one wants to see another McCaskill in any Office - everyone had enough of her.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry bubba we're sure to get more Republican trash in the governor's mansion

Anonymous said...

8:54AM - I Don't worry - He/She - LGBTQIA+ - XYZ or whatever you are this week. I know the Majority will do the Right Thing, instead of the Leftist Socialist Democratic Thing, which has caused us disastrous issues in the past.

Anonymous said...

Missouri's majority is why Missouri hovers near bottom on most all of the averages.

Anonymous said...

257 is a fine example of the deplorables who use gender and race to divide and sow chaos from the right. It would have been more appropriate 257, if would just have said "my magat belief system disqualifies any desire or hope of your candidate ever winning", and left it at that. But no, you have to mimic the orange fruit salad to make a minimally coherent or even less than useful statement. We on the left beg and plead that you and other right wingers continue your divisive language and behavior. It's doing wonders for trump and cat lady vance.

Anonymous said...

506 lol, you can't be serious, I don't know where you've been the last 20 years but the main tactic of the left is using gender and race to divide.
Also, "We on the left plead that you continue your divisive language (implying that it's not helping the right)"... "Magat"..."Orange fruit salad"... "Cat lady vance".... you uh... you see the problem here right? I guess we can add this to the "It's ok when we do it" leftist playbook.
And to pretend like the average person wouldn't be pointing out the Marxist takeover that's been happening the last 20 years, without Orange man bad, is showing your complete ignorance to the subject. Trump hopped on the anti-marxist bandwagon to gain votes, but ended up being LGBTQ friendly anyways, people have been noticing the downhill Marxist slope long before Trump.

Anonymous said...

“I was there when the abortion ban was passed and stood on the House floor and shared my own personal story of abuse,”... That you were aborted?

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if your log cabin in montana shares the same zip code as the unibomber 732, because your worldview sure sounds similar. Specifically, such as in a very angry, confused and depressing (lack of) reality. Just curious, where in your small world does any good happen? Not sure you're going find many who would want to follow you into that kind of depressing wilderness you prescribe to.

Anonymous said...

733, And your point?