Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Carthage R-9 Board discusses goals during retreat

(From the Carthage R-9 School District)

The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in a board retreat on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 6:00 pm, at the Carthage R-9 Administration Office. Present were Board members Jeff Jones, Niki Cloud, Lora Phelps, Ryan Collier, Patrick Scott, Maria Sanchez, and Mark Westhoff. 

Dr. Luke Boyer, Superintendent, and the board members discussed district goal setting. Dr. Boyer provided an update on school district comparisons, local and state revenue, district assessed valuation, debt payments, faculty comparison, and salary schedules. 

Dr. Boyer and the board members discussed district planning with a focus on district needs and long term facility needs.


Anonymous said...

Again, I Hope - the Carthage R-9 Board did not take a Retreat - Out-Of-Town to discuss Goals, on the Taxpayer's Dime. When the Public Schools are losing Teachers - Right and Left - because of Salaries and any School Board would waste the Taxpayer's Money on their own Self-Indulgences is Ridiculous.

If they want to take a Retreat - Let them Pay for it out of their Own Pockets - NO-REIMBURSEMENTS -

Several State and Federal Government Agencies have these So-Called Retreats to "RE-GROUP" - On the Taxpayer's Back - - Again, Not their Money it is the Taxpayer's - STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF US...

Anonymous said...

Here I will help them out so they never need to do this again Goal should be kids first, nothing else matters
Your welcome