Sunday, August 25, 2024

Josh Hawley: Our Lord has his arms around President Trump- send me money

I thought I would share the latest pitch for money from Sen. Josh Hawley's campaign. It arrived this morning with the headline "Our Lord has his arms around President Trump."

For those of you who hadn't guessed, I added the "send me money" in my headline since those who contribute not only to Trump's campaign but help stretch the Lord's arms to cover Hawley's campaign as well.

Here's what was in the text of Hawley's message:

Fellow American, on July 13th, God was watching over President Trump.

He is meant for this moment in history, and I thank President Trump for fighting for us every time I see him.

He has been put through impeachments, sham trials, a raid of his home, and an attempt on his life.

While he continues to get attacked and scrutinized by the far Left, I’m proud to stand with him and be a Trump supporter.

It’s Josh Hawley, and I'm praying for President Trump.

Will you join me in this prayer?


(I should note that the last two lines provided links to a webpage where you can contribute your money, but you will have to find those links on your own. Also, the photo that accompanies this post is the first thing you see when you go to the link.)


Anonymous said...

Tell me you’re a Kamala supporter without telling me you’re a Kamala supporter.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Randy just doesn’t support a POTUS who provoked an attack on our Capitol Building in an attempt to overthrow our fair and free election? Or maybe Mr. Turner doesn’t support for POTUS an individual convicted for assaulting a woman? Or maybe Randy Turner is not enamored with individuals running for POTUS who have been convicted of more than 30 felonies by a jury of their peers?

Anonymous said...

"I'm Randy Turner, now buy my book." Sound familiar? There is honestly not a lot of difference in him asking for a campaign contribution at the end of a campaign message than you hawking your wares at the end of one of your editorials to support your ventures.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a supporter of the Alphabet gangs and gender confused party…

Anonymous said...

Josh hawley is a brown nosed suck up to the most repulsive and dishonest person ever to run for president. Yes, even more of an abomination than George Wallace in his hate filled days. Hawley is a sell out to self indulged power over the moral compass that should, but doesn't, guide all politicians.

Anonymous said...

Keep selling Randy! At least you're not a bottom feeder like hawley. One last comment: the globe has kunce a good 10% more approval points above running boy hawley. And of course: Harris/Walz 2025!

Anonymous said...

12:11 What is a woman ?

Anonymous said...

318 and 431 are undoubtedly from Oklahoma. See what happens when book burnings and ultra right wing extremism enters the public school system...........ignorance that leads to intolerance.

Anonymous said...

You now are paying for your news reporting through TV and print and put up with their advertising. Looks like Randy is giving you one heck of a deal.

Anonymous said...

10:47 🎤 dropped, perfect reply, however I think they would probably support that.

Anonymous said...

"You now are paying for your news reporting through TV and print and put up with their advertising. Looks like Randy is giving you one heck of a deal." I don't think there was ever disagreement with that. But, somehow it is repugnant for a politician to to ask for a campaign contribution. I know that there are countless instances on The Turner Report of " I am Cori Bush, now send me money" or "I am Emanuel Cleaver now send me money" that I am simply missing or ignoring. Sounds more like Hawley is living rent free in some leftist heads out there.

Anonymous said...

I would give hawley a break if he wasn't such a pathetic opportunist "running to save my privileged white ass" insurrectionist. That changes the "send me money game." Get off Randy's back. I'm a lib and he's constantly censoring my entries to protect me from the FBI and you gun toting redneck magats. I'd say he keeps it all straight.

Anonymous said...

"Get off Randy's back. I'm a lib and he's constantly censoring my entries to protect me from the FBI and you gun toting redneck magats. I'd say he keeps it all straight." At least you are censored and your wife's boyfriend has someone to clean the house while they are out for the night. Isn't it funny how censoring you (what might be a legal adult) is fine, but censoring what children are shown and allowed to access in the school library is totally unacceptable. You just said censorship is great because he is protecting you ( again assuming your are an adult) but parents protecting their kids is right wing propaganda! If it wasn't for double standards.......

Anonymous said...

I’m confused I thought libs don’t want free speech unless it aligns with their agenda… I do see you got the husband and wife correct atta boy

Anonymous said...

Can anyone decipher what the hell 609 rant is about? The only thing you got right on your post is you know how to cut and paste. The rest is pointless nonsensical malarkey.

Anonymous said...

6:09 doesn't fully grasp what censorship is. Bless their heart.

Hyacinth said...

Good comment!

Hyacinth said...

According to Hawley, every trial that Trump has been through has been a sham, including the sexual assault ones. This means, that Hawley either believes that sexual assault trials are a joke or that Trump didn't commit sexual assaults on women. In my opinion, anyone who can stand there and say that doesn't have respect for the judicial system or for women.

Anonymous said...

Arlington National Cemetery, repost of misogynistic crude sexual innuendo. What an ashole. What a demented perverted abomination of a true leader.