Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Rodriguez thumps Osborn in Newton County treasurer race, Knight, Bridges, Stewart also winners

Ten thousand dollars doesn't get you as much as it used to.

David Osburn's challenge to incumbent Newton County Treasurer Gina Rodriguez for the Republican nomination was primarily financed by two $5,000 contributions from former Sen. Bill White, R-Joplin.

It wasn't anywhere near enough.

Rodriguez thumped Osborn 6,056 to 3,013.

Newton County voters also nominated former East Newton R-6 Board of Education President Mark Knight District 1 Commissioner, former Jasper County Coroner Mark Bridges District 2 commissioner and former Joplin Police Chief Matt Stewart sheriff 

Knight easily won a three-way race with 2,118 votes to 1,155 for Raleigh Ritter and 880 for John Hird.

Stewart received 5,495 votes to 3,920 for Rick Geller.

Bridges received 3,558 votes to 1,223 for Rob Brunner.

In other races, Dale Owens received 5,033 votes to defeat Tom Workman with 3,725 for coroner and Jerry Wood defeated Brian Atnip for surveyor 5,114 to 3,495.


Anonymous said...

Patiently waiting for Dave and all of his family members to anonymously post on here about how corrupt Gina is and how this race was stolen. Hope they all move somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Can’t forget Alan Cook! He will certainly have something to say on Facebook as well. Wonder how his wife feels about his Gina obsession.

Anonymous said...

Dying to know what “data” Osborn thought he had and posted about on Facebook. Looks like Gina and her “cronies” came through again. Osborn is the biggest joke in the county. I wish he would move but I doubt we are that lucky.

Anonymous said...

Hey, David. In case you haven’t noticed, Newton County prefers qualified candidates that treat their opposition with respect. We hope you’ve learned your lesson.

Anonymous said...

Note of correction, Mark Bridges was the NEWTON county coroner years ago.

Anonymous said...

I dont think its appropriate to bring someones family into the mix. If you want to attack the candidate go right ahead, they signed up for it but lets leave their family out of it

Anonymous said...

Before all these bad comments you should look into the evidence I have personally seen some of the things Gina Rodriguez has done if more people in Newton county could have know this I don't think she would be in there now

Anonymous said...

I'm not a family member, but I will tell you that you the corruption is real. I've seen it with my own eyes and their crimes will come to light. Just sit back and wait for it. Hopefully, Gina doesn't spend all the counties money while shes covering the ass of Johnny Walker. You see, criminals stick together. She's wasting the county money and I guarantee shes going to put in for a raise for herself now. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gina, why don't you go to bed. You're up awfully late posting about David and Alan.

Anonymous said...

Why would you be patiently waiting for David's family members to post something anonymously when you just did the same thing. Go to bed, Gina.

Mrs. Hill said...

If you want them to move somewhere else, post your name. I know you won't because you are part of the problem in Newton County.

Anonymous said...

Go to bed, Gina it's 2:13am. You won the election so go to bed and stop trying to stir up trouble.

Anonymous said...

Gina has run a clean campaign the entire time. Don’t ruin it now in this comments section. Just take the win and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think we should blame candidates for things people are saying on an anonymous platform without their permission.

Anonymous said...

It’s not her campaign we’re talking about. It’s about how she is not using my hard earned tax money correctly. Not putting the money where it can make interest. So that tells me she’s got her hands in the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

The syndicate is nearly in place. If you value your freedom and lack of government intrusion, get out of the county now.

Anonymous said...

Losing can be difficult to swallow but grow up & stop attacking the other candidate who won fairly & who never once, that I ever seen, posted anything ugly about her opponent. David Osborn ran his campaign on slanderous, baseless accusations rather than facts or proof of his own qualifications for the position. He showed his character through those posts.

Anonymous said...

A family member of a candidate works in the Clerk's office election night, and the public is free to run in and out of the Clerk's office while ballots are being delivered and counted. SHAMFUL and QUESTIONABLE

Anonymous said...

For 20 years no one has exposed her. One should consider this election mission accomplished. Some 3000 now know the truth about her. Though still in office, many more eyes are now watching her. Those in her circle involved with the John Walker cover-up will continue to manipulate local banks and other officeholders.

Anonymous said...

If you're ever watched the Wizard of Oz, you have the witch and all those flying monkeys.