Monday, August 19, 2024

Neosho junior high math teacher named semi-finalist for Missouri Teacher of the Year

(From Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has announced the 16 Regional Teachers of the Year who have been selected as semi-finalists for the 2025 Missouri Teacher of the Year award. The Teacher of the Year program spotlights the positive impact excellent teachers have on their students.

The list of semi-finalists includes teachers from multiple grade levels, subject areas, and nearly every region of the state:

Alison Corl, Neosho School District — Math, Neosho Junior High School
Courtney Duffy, Bayless School District — Math, Bayless Elementary
Hester Menier, Wentzville R-IV — Art, Stone Creek Elementary
Hope Hunter, St. James R-I — Librarian, Lucy Wortham James Elementary
Jennifer Jones, Lee's Summit R-VII — English Language Arts, Lee's Summit West High School
Jennifer Justice Webber, Branson R-IV — Kindergarten, Buchanan Elementary

Jennifer Kist, Fort Zumwalt School District — Special Education, Fort Zumwalt Early Childhood Center
Jessica Backs, Richmond R-XVI — Third Grade, Sunrise Elementary
Kourtney Michael, Grain Valley R-V — English Language Arts, Grain Valley High School
Latricia Ferguson, North Callaway Co. R-I — Math, Williamsburg Elementary
Lauren Hurst, Raytown C-2 — Spanish, Raytown High School
Melissa Willoughby, Laclede Co. C-5 — Special Education, Joel E. Barber Elementary
Sarah Tillinghast, Eldon R-I — Kindergarten, South Elementary
Shannon Truitt, Spokane R-VII — Reading (Library), Highlandville Elementary
Stacy Walker, North Andrew Co. R-VI — Science, North Andrew Elementary
Tim Waters, Lindbergh Schools — Third Grade, Long Elementary

The Teacher of the Year selection process began with the announcement of 34 Regional Teachers of the Year who represented each of the state’s nine Regional Professional Development Center (RPDC) areas. Next, DESE will announce the finalists for the 2025 Missouri Teacher of the Year award on Thursday, August 29.

Greg Kester, a social studies teacher from Potosi R-III School District’s Potosi High School, is the 2024 Missouri Teacher of the Year.


Anonymous said...

👍👍👍..... SW MO!....Neosho!!!... Get learned that math stuff! For sure hard to do without help and understanding of a good teacher. Like two hands equals 3 thumbs up + plus chromebook cheat codes minus copied off the wrong person!
Learn it for the sake of humanity! It will save you a great deal of time in your life!

Anonymous said...

I thinks you might otta git educated in spenglish soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - to Alison Corl. In our Society, we seem to Elevate and put Athletes, Entertainers, YouTube, X, Meta, Instagram, TikTok - Celebrities, Politicians, Millionaires, and Billionaires on a Pedestal - so when we can Truly Honor someone that has Helped Children in their Academic Endeavors - we need to step up and give this Teacher all the Praise and Support we can!

Most Teachers will never be Rich, never be Famous or have a Social Media Following, they will spend their careers helping teach and adding to the lives of our Children. So, next time you see your Children's Teachers - Give them some Praise, Ask them do they need any Help or some Supplies for their Class, see if they have a List of Supplies on Amazon or wherever that you can get an item or two and donate.

Remember these selfless individuals spend at least 6-Hours a Day with your Children and 12-13 Years of their formable lives to help Educate them. Just don't drop off your Kids every day at School - with the intent that the Schools Raise them and Discipline them - Be part of Helping and Giving what you can - be Part of the Solution - Education is an Important Investment and the First 12-13 Years of their lives can shape the rest of their Future.

The Old Saying - "Spend Time and Invest in your Children while they are Young or You will Pay for it the Rest of Your Life". -  

Anonymous said...

Yee haw!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that 3:33AM, 5:27AM, and 1:22PM - are some of the Districts Past Standout Students - They Stood Outside and Never Went to Class - Everything is a Joke to them - No Respect - Probably all Live in someone else's Trailer or in someone else's Basement. Lesson Learned - Get an Education - So you can discuss things in an Intelligent Manner and Make something of your Lives - Please so the Rest of Us don't have to Support you for Life!

Anonymous said...

700,314, Talk about a drain upon society, not sure which of these "giants of genius" are more irritating. But inspite, we still love them both

Anonymous said...

5:35PM - Both 7:00AM and 3:14PM seem too clearly and precisely state their opinions, about honoring and respecting teachers and education. Which the rest of you 3:33AM, 5:27AM, 1:22PM, and 5:35PM clearly have no clue about. Your statement of them being a "drain upon society", is definitely a remark by someone who fits into the discussion of being unable to communicate or comment on any level of understanding - thus lacking in education or having any intelligent thoughts, but in spite of that, I am sure they will still put some level of understanding and discussion to your primitive comments and thoughts, meaning you all fail to make any sense, which we are all sure is the reason you even post is to just disrupt and disrespect others. Clearly a sign of a person with a low IQ, little self-reflection and insight, living with a lack of achievement or accomplishment in life. Graduating Summa cum laude and a Member of Mensa, might allow some of us to have somewhat of a better perspective on "giants of genius", than maybe others, You Think?

Anonymous said...

That's YEE HAW ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Giggiddy Giggiddy Goo!
Dash dAsH Dash capitalize da Goo!
@314 they better than you. Comprehension level is that of a hate and doo. "Don't live in a trailer, basement, or go to a Neosho school." 314 dash dash unnecessary capitalizing will hate on you. Standout joke failed. BTW! (By__--tHe -wAy--)

Anonymous said...

853 is the example of a "long winded ramble". Have you been watching the Democratic Convention 853? It's a good place to learn how to be inclusive instead of divisive. Your ramble is about division. Pitty on you. But we still love you!

Anonymous said...

5:58AM - Why would anyone watch the Democratic Convention, waste of time, which no one in the country will ever get back.
Again - No Comment on the Original Article on Honoring a Teacher, just Disrespect for anyone that wants to make Positive Comments or Opinions - Your Quotable Remarks - "long winded ramble", just shows your inability to Read, Write, Interrupt, Think, and make any Worthwhile Comments - Just a Small Person - with a Disrespectful and Bad Attitude and Probably a Lifestyle of Non-Achievement or Accomplishments.
Are you truly Walter Mitty, with a Life filled with humorous tragic events, never able to realize the true sense of being befuddled by everyday life.
Don't Worry - We still love you!

Anonymous said...

1017, I actually chose to punish myself by making an attempt at reading your entry. It was worse than I expected. I now know I'll take a prostate exam before I'll ever desire to read how your divisive and MAGAT- like worldview spews Project 2025 hatred,division,and oppression to minorities, women, and anyone not pledging alliegence to the cult. Its easy for one to see where book burnings, excessive corporate earnings, and mass deportations give you the warm fuzzies.

Anonymous said...

11:20AM - Again, another typical Dumb Liberal Comment - The Article and Exactly what I and Others were and Trying to Comment on is - Honoring this Teacher Alison Corl - for the Job she is doing, for Education and being a Good Parent and Part of the Child's Education. The Rest of you Half-Backed Liberals then try to turn everything into a Fight - - and jump off Topic - - Typical...

Has nothing to do about Dumb Liberals, oppression, minorities, book burnings, corporate earnings and mass deportations - How Stupid - Are You - READ ALL THE POST - IDIOT - MY GOSH - You Lefties are so far out of touch and angry - you will do anything to pick a fight or argument - - to show the Stupidity you bring to any Article - Comment on the Teacher - Try something New - Half-Wit. She is the One to be Praised, She is who the Article is about, She Deserves to be Honored - -

Anonymous said...

107 is a nasty person.

Anonymous said...

Jesus F. Christ people. This is about a school teacher, and you're turning into political attacks. You're truly disgusting people.

None of you would dare talk like this in public.

Anonymous said...

I sure the hell wouldn't want 837 to be my neighbor. A likely danger to the neighborhood kids.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you really reinforce 1232 with your meanspirited anger 534. Hope you're not kicking your innocent dog when you're in this foul mood.

Anonymous said...

Can you negative people comment on the article? Why is this so difficult for you simpletons. Read the article, start thinking, write and post thoughts on the article! Stay on topic. Write in complete sentences not half-baked or off-the-subject ones, stop using political diatribe to start arguments. This Teacher-Alison Corl, needs to be praised and honored for her accomplishments. So give her this time to post positive remarks about her and other teachers. She deserves that. If you need to post negative, controversial, political or other hate issues, start your own blog. I am sure that several will not be able to follow these thoughts or instructions, which is expected from those without the ability to honor or respect others.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with 720? Any hypothesis?

Anonymous said...

12:32 doesn't want to be the neighbor of someone who understands the topic of the conversion.

Y'all been eating too much wall candy.