Saturday, September 14, 2024

Judge denies bond reduction for Joplin man charged with eight counts of animal abuse

A bond reduction hearing is scheduled for 8:15 a.m. Wednesday in Jasper County Circuit Court, Joplin, for Seth William Vaile, 30, who is charged with eight misdemeanor counts of animal abuse.

Judge Joseph Hensley rejected a request by Vaile to have his bond, which is $10,000 cash or surety, reduced during his arraignment Friday.

Vaile allegedly left a sealed tote with eight puppies in it at the Joplin Humane Society. The puppies died from heat exhaustion according to a veterinarian.

The Turner Report: Probable cause: Joplin man admits to leaving 8 puppies in sealed tote bag leading to their deaths (


Anonymous said...

Seth William Vaile and others need to learn that any type of animal abuse is WRONG / CRIMINAL and needs to be held fully accountable for.

Anonymous said...

Forcefully spoken 837 and thank you for informing us all about animal abuse. I for one, have now been informed.

Anonymous said...

7:11AM, and what is your opinion, speak up, make a comment, we cannot hear you, are you for justice or do you believe that animals should be abused without consequences?

Tired of Individuals, who want to cause dissention, just to stir the pot, do you know the difference between, Wrong and Right or are you too much into yourself? Your Anonymous States is probably a good place for you to stay in Life!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm not sure how exactly to get this done, BUT IT'S A GREAT SLOGAN!!!

Anonymous said...

"Seth William Vaile andf others need to learn"

This is where your great plan starts to fall apart.

Anonymous said...

933 expressing hurt feelings again. Does anyone know why?

Anonymous said...

Confused 1045?

Anonymous said...

Some comments help provide additonal incite to the article and other comments...other comments not so much.

Low effort comments can be ignored by most.

Anonymous said...

5:57PM, You especially should understand since you were probably picked on and victimized when younger, that is why you have little self-respect or respect or empathy for others. Classic signs of feeling or acting out and being different to make yourself appear to be relative in life. OUCH - are you Ok?

Anonymous said...

Nice try 713, you saw that line somewhere on tv while securely enclosed in your basement. I'm still laughing 😃 😀 😄

Anonymous said...

12:40PM and 5:57PM, isn't it true except you are the basement dweller? Those aren't lines from a television show, but are true textbook attributes that you continue to show across the majority of your comments. It is ok to laugh it hides your tears. 😃😃😂😂

Anonymous said...

550, More cringeworthy comments cascading incoherently into a pool of melancholic malarkey. Oh, how we collectively come to look forward to your next post expressing your exceptional wisdom, rules, and insight! Can we be writing pals to make this arrangement work for all TR readers and mankind?

Anonymous said...

5:17AM, and how we all look forward to your pool of melancholy and lackless way continually expressing yourself - and NEVER EVER COMMENTING on the Articles, which you have been Advised to do so - because all you know how to do is STIR THE POT, which is your complete Level of your Extremely Shallow and Miserable Life. 👍😂😂😢

Anonymous said... really cut me to the core 254. You've permanently destroyed my self esteem and hopes for my future. I have been reduced to intellectual rubble....The End.