Sunday, September 22, 2024

Joplin Globe still can't find a publisher- is anyone desperate enough to take the job?

One of the best newspapers in Missouri is looking for a publisher.

You can bet highly qualified leaders would be jumping at the chance to interview for that position.

Unfortunately, the newspaper that is looking for a new publisher is not one of the best newspapers in Missouri, it's the Joplin Globe.

The Globe's search for a new publisher, which was necessitated by the voluntary departure of Robin Phelan, who left to take a job in his home area, started three and a half months ago and seems to be nowhere near a conclusion.

The Globe placed a new advertisement on the Missouri Press Association website Thursday:

The Joplin Globe seeks an innovative, ambitious newspaper executive to lead its daily newspaper in southwest Missouri.

Our publisher will direct and manage the day-to-day activities of our newspaper operation to ensure profitability by meeting revenue and expense targets. We are looking for a revenue-producing star and creative thinker with a track record of bringing concepts to reality. The successful candidate will be a champion at leadership and community involvement.

Our publisher will work closely with all departments with special attention given to audience development and advertising sales, fostering new products and events to further strengthen this award-winning Tuesday-Saturday publication. This person will coach, manage and engage in advertising sales alongside team members to drive revenue in print, online and through new event opportunities.

Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a related field and a minimum of five years’ related work experience. A proven history of successful leadership, sales ability, creativity, problem-solving, innovation and staff management are critical.

Interested candidates should send their resume, a cover letter explaining why they are qualified for the position to Bill Hanson at

You might notice that one thing that is omitted from the advertisement is a knowledge of news and how it should be covered.

I suppose you have to approach something like this one step at a time.

The Globe has had a merry-go-round of publishers over the past few years. Phelan came on board in March 2023, replacing Dale Brendel, who was fired after three and half years of overseeing the flailing newspaper.

Brendel replaced Frank Leto, who had the job from July 2018 to October 2019. Leto replaced Michael Beatty.

The new publisher, if one is ever found, will be the fifth in six years.


Anonymous said...

I’m unemployed and much rather be unemployed than the publisher of the Globe.

Anonymous said...

It’s a dying business, to many ways to get free news and get it instantly, Movie theaters same thing I can watch it at my house in weeks after it premieres or I don’t even watch it all because the choice is so vast.
Nostalgia can only keep these going for a limited time. When print news is gone, and it’s all digital things can be changed instantly, the little bit of truth that exist now will be gone.