Saturday, September 14, 2024

Neosho R-5 Board to consider spending $359,000 for video scoreboard for Bob Anderson Stadium

The Neosho R-5 Board of Education appears to be poised to spend $359,321 for a digital scoreboard for Bob Anderson Stadium.

The proposal is included in the board's packet for its 5:30 p.m. Monday meeting.

According to a description provided in the board packet, the package includes $263,821 for the 19 x 35 scoreboard, $85,000 for removal and fabrication, $5,500 for 25-second clocks with game time and $5,000 for moving and reinstalling sound equipment.

The cost also includes a "gold level animation and graphics package and an 11-year warranty for parts with a five-year warranty for onsite labor.

The agenda also includes reports on fine arts and from the professional development committee, approval of change orders and a closed session.


Anonymous said...

Complete waste of money!

Anonymous said...

Neosho school district is always wasting money, then they will turn around and want taxpayers to fund more money for them to waste

Anonymous said...

You got that right.

Anonymous said...

Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?

Anonymous said...

I love sports and feel that they help build character and teamwork for our youth, but to spend $359,000 dollars on a scoreboard is utterly ridiculous. If they want something like that, why don't they try to hold some type of fundraising events - but to ask the taxpayers to cover that cost, needs to have people questioning the school districts board and find out why they are so freewheeling with the taxpayer's money - or seek to oust these idiots.

Also, the question comes up are we providing similar funds for the Educational Side, Band Side, or Technical Training Side, for the local youth, which will have greater payoffs in the long run for our kids?

Again, this is Youth Sports, next are they going to need all the Sports Fields redone with Artificial Turf - Like Joplin - Remember we have to look at the School's Budget to help Facilitate/Pay for all the Students Activities not just for a few Students or a Couple of Sports.

Anonymous said...

When other schools have purchased one, the funds are usually provided from private donations and advertiser agreed funding. To ask the taxpayers for this is foolish, I think further digging may provide more funding info.

Anonymous said...

Another waste of money.

Anonymous said...

Why not? Joplin, Webb and Carl Junction all have video boards and those video boards help win how many games for those schools?

Anonymous said...

Can't let other area schools out do Neosho. This is crazy.

Anonymous said...

Can’t speak for all the schools that have installed video boards but several of them including Joplin, Webb and CJ have video production classes and are teaching students how to create video segments such as hype videos, highlight videos and pregame intro videos for use on Friday nights and even Saturday morning youth games. Plus many students are now involved on game nights running cameras, working audio and producing TV quality broadcasts that some districts use on YouTube, or even social media video platforms.
This has allowed more students to be involved on Friday nights (beyond the football players cheerleaders and band kids), it’s a learning experience and a skill they can use in the future for a career.
Speak negatively if you want and most of you will, but take a look at the bigger picture and see how it will impact the learning opportunities.

Anonymous said...

You all are so short sighted, As a high school sophomore, observing that $400,000. scoreboard a couple times a year will probably raise my GPA several points to enable me to go to a major college and graduate to make my millions. If you really love us, forget investing in educational materials. Just like the million spent on turf, we students demand the damn scoreboard to improve and enhance our education! GET IT DONE

Anonymous said...

Again, they need to raise the funds through fund raisers, private funds or advertising for this board.

High School sports are important, and it does teach several positive lessons, but both Student Athletes and their Parents need to be Realistic - and understand that only 1 in 16,000 high school athletes attains a professional career in sports. So it is very important to have a Fall Back Plan - keep in mind that sports injuries DO happen. Academics are important for your Future!

I have Friends who we played High School Football together and Won a Local State Championship - Yet Not One of them played at a Professional Level - a Couple got College Scholarships - Make sure that you Prepare with a Plan-B, Academics or Tech School so all your Eggs are Not in One Basket.

Because your Star Status in High School does not take you that Far in the Real World.

Anonymous said...

658, This is nothing more than slamming a square peg in a round hole. Lipstick and a face job isn't making this foolishness any prettier. We all know there have been classes teaching these skills already so your argument rings very hollow. Might wanna try again?

Anonymous said...

CTE will someday end high-school football. For now, your kids, from 3rd grade up playing tackle football, are nothing more than sacrificial lambs to entertain and satisfy the vicarious needs of many adult high school athletes who need to redeem themselves from the mediocrity of their athletic past.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t make the previous comment but as high school student who is a non-athlete I’m excited for the opportunity to showcase my class work on a video screen in front of a large audience. Makes my class work feel much more important.

Anonymous said...

Neoho needs this just to keep up with everyone else!

How can they get and keep the best players without necessary things like an amazing scoreboard?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you have to spend money to make money!

Anonymous said...

OK 8:07 this is 6:58 again I shall try to provide another positive comment which will probably construed as empty or hollow.
The video board will be used by more than the football program, any Neosho team that uses our reinvigorated Bob Anderson Stadium such as junior high football and soccer, high school soccer, track and field programs, band program and Saturday youth programs will have the opportunity to be featured on the video board and use it during games.
As a business owner, I plan to take advantage of advertising opportunities and I’m willing to pay to have 10 seconds spots produced and aired on the board during ALL activities that utilize the stadium.
Hopefully I am one of many businesses that will take advantage of this opportunity and support the district and its students (all of them) rather than speak negatively about this positive opportunity.
I believe the point you might be trying to make relates to necessities, is a video board necessary to educate students in the current public school system? No.
But it’s obvious you have not paid attention to what has been happening for years at the professional level, then trickled down to the collegiate level and in the past 20 years has finally made it to the high school level and it’s continued investment in facilities and upgrades. It’s never ending spending.
Just look at Pittsburg State and Missouri Southern. Pitt State spent money on the largest video board in the MIAA only to have Missouri Western build a bigger one and Missouri Southern followed with its lame effort.
Southern’s facilities are so bad, so second rate I don’t understand how any athlete would seriously consider competing there.
For years out facilities in Neosho were some of the worst in this part of the state, even Sarcoxie had made more investments in their facilities than Neosho but finally us voters and us tax payers in Neosho chose to support our district and make the investment. Now Anderson is one best venues to watch a game in Southwest Missouri, our baseball and softball venues are better than anything Crowder College could wish to have and our indoor venues are getting upgrades. You’re entitled to your opinion and I understand your position, but I choose to see this as a positive move for the district and its students. If my position is hollow, than I’m just an empty old man with should probably just keep my money and my opinions to myself.

Anonymous said...

The scoreboard in use now is only 13 years old. Repair it and save our taxpayer dollars for a better use!

Anonymous said...

Spend money to make money????? Want to enlighten me?

Anonymous said...

6:58 what a bunch of horse shit
How about teaching work ethic maybe a trade

Anonymous said...

Just remember if you peak in high school… you didn’t do it right. No fancy scoreboard will help you

Anonymous said...

I might be persuaded to go with this if the districts test scores, college entry rate, and attendance beats state average. Otherwise, this is lipstick on the pig and will hide the simple fact that neosho sucks in a mighty way. 909 sees the future. Better bank on it.

Anonymous said...

You’re right Neosho needs more welders, machine operators, car salesmen, repairmen, first responders, law enforcement, EMT’s, firefighters, public works employees to maintain streets and mow cemeteries, fast food employees, farmers and teachers. Our area is short of all those types of employees so let’s spend $300,000 to create more of them. A much bigger return on investment in the long run.

Anonymous said...

If you are a student-athlete at Neosho trading this you need to transfer NOW. Read the comments, this is how little the community and its people think of you. They want you trained to continue to serve them and their agenda by being robots and unable to think for yourself. Read the comments closely, these people are in our community and don’t support you at all. Leave now. Go elsewhere. Seek opportunities at other nearby schools that are supportive of its student-athletes.

Anonymous said...

Are we all so fixated on Sports, that we forget that the kids are going to School to get an Education to help them in the Future. We must since Missouri Ranks 31st in the US - Let me repeat that so you understand we are the 31st Worst State in the US for getting an Education and Educating our Students - Is Everyone Happy about that - Must Be?

We shouldn't be worrying if Johnny can catch a Football or Kicking a Soccer Ball, but whether Johnny can Read, Write, and do Math.

So let's keep worrying about $400,000 Scoreboards if they are Worth it - When the Taxpayers will be Supporting these Students in just a Few Years when they cannot get or maintain Jobs.

Missouri schools are failing to teach the core subjects of reading and math and the most recent test scores show that students are falling further behind.

Missouri’s Department of Secondary and Elementary (MO DESE) has not offered the level of transparency regarding student performance that is necessary to create an education system focused on higher standards, reducing achievement gaps, and results-based accountability.

The status quo is leaving thousands of students behind without the fundamental skills to pursue higher education or compete in the modern labor market.

But we cannot just put the Blame on the Schools, Teachers, or the Administration - if you just Stand By and allow this to happen to your Children you are Biggest Part of the Problem.

Anonymous said...

By all means, run fast run far. Save yourselves from the impending doom!

Anonymous said...

Well, the other area school have far surpassed Neosho long ago.

Anonymous said...

Joplin, Webb, and Carl Junction didn't pay for their video boards with taxpayer funds.

Anonymous said...

Missouri’s Department of Secondary and Elementary (MO DESE) has not offered the level of transparency regarding student performance that is necessary to create an education system focused on higher standards, reducing achievement gaps, and results-based accountability.

You must be new around here. Still trying to figure out how things workl?

Anonymous said...

3:24PM, Are you offering any Solutions, or are you - Still trying to figure out how things work?