Wednesday, September 11, 2024

One week after being placed on unsupervised probation for assault, Joplin man charged with stabbing at Salvation Army

Six days after Judge Joseph Hensley suspended his sentence for an assault charge and placed him on unsupervised probation for a year, a Joplin man allegedly stabbed another man in the Salvation Army parking lot.

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed assault and armed criminal action charges today against Deandre Thomas Fazio, 18. A warrant has been issued for Fazio's arrest.

The incident leading to the charges against Fazio was described in a Joplin Police Department news release today.

Upon arrival officers determined there was no vehicle crash but a stabbing had taken place. Through further investigation it was found that the suspect, Deandre T. Fazio age 18 of Joplin, was involved in a disturbance with his girlfriend at this location. Family members were contacted to retrieve a child there at the scene.
Shortly after arriving, the victim, Chad Minor, was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife by Fazio. Minor fled the scene on foot and flagged down a nearby motorist to get a ride to the hospital for treatment.

The victim is in stable condition at this time.

Following the stabbing, Fazio jumped on the hood and windshield of his girlfriend’s vehicle causing extensive damage.

Fazio's guilty plea last week was in connection with an August 1 incident in which he attacked a 15-year-old, according to the probable cause statement:

Upon arrival, I contacted V1, who is fifteen years old stated that he was at a friend's house, when Deandre, who is eighteen years old, began to confront him over accusations being made about him. 

V1 stated that during the confrontation, he was sitting in the rear passenger side of a vehicle, and Deandre attempted to get into the vehicle to get him out to fight. V1 stated that once Deadre learned the vehicle was locked, he walked around to the rear driver's side door which was unlocked and reached into the vehicle to assault him in the face one time with a closed hand fist. 

As a result, V1 exited the vehicle, and ran away to get away and hide from Deandre. V1 sustained bruising, and a minor laceration to his left eye as a result of the assault. 

The Joplin Police Department recommended a child abuse charge against Fazio, with the investigating officer noting that Fazio had a tendency toward violence:

Deandre knowingly assaulted a juvenile over simple accusations being made against him. I believe Deandre is not able to control his own emotions and will continue to result to physical violence when he becomes upset.

 The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office opted to file a misdemeanor assault charge against Fazio.

In addition to the one year of unsupervised probation on the assault charge, Judge Hensley ordered Fazio to do 20 hours of community service.


Anonymous said...

Why is our Justice System continually Soft on Criminals - Deandre Thomas Fazio, was given a get out of jail free card by Judge Joseph Hensley and the Prosecuting Attorney's Office - putting another violent Criminal back on the streets only to commit another Crime?

Judge Joseph Hensley and the Prosecuting Attorney's Office - needs to be held responsible for Not Doing their Jobs and Protecting Society from Criminals. This happens all the time - most Criminals have already committed a number of Crimes, before they got caught and when released are ready to continue their wave of Crime upon Society - Judge Joseph Hensley and the Prosecuting Attorney's Office - ARE BOTH RESPONSIBLE - for this man getting Stabbed - Stop Being Soft on Criminals, Due the Job you were Appointed to do - Protect Society!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully they will lock him up for 10 years for attempted murder and being a repeat offender.

Anonymous said...

A clear example of the magat meaning of "tough on crime".

Anonymous said...

6:05AM, Most Americans believe on being "Tough On Crime", except Liberal Leftists Woke Radical - Dems. Who are always feeling Sorry and Think that all these Criminals can be Rehabilitated and then can become - "Model Citizens"! They Cannot...

Move back to California or out of this Country, we are all tired of Carrying you on the Backs of "True Hard-Working Americans"...

Anonymous said...

Maybe 6:05AM if you could be empathetic towards the Victims of Crimes, you might understand why we need to be, "Tough On Crime and Criminals", and Stop allowing these Criminals, Chance after Chance when the majority will only Commit more Crimes, possible on you, your family, or your friends. Of course you would have to think Logically and not the Typical Woke Emotional way to figure that out. Remember Crimes are Committed not only against, Republicans, but against Democrats, and Independant's too!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who a has a part in this?

Ole soft on crime

Judge Joseph Hensley
Judge Joseph Hensley
Judge Joseph Hensley
Judge Joseph Hensley
Judge Joseph Hensley
Judge Joseph Hensley

Impotence or Incompetence I always get these confused 🤣

Anonymous said...

Magat malarkey making more magistrative malfeasance manure.