Friday, January 31, 2025

Grove man sentenced after stealing identity of dead friend


(From the U. S. Attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma)

Today, U.S. District Judge John F. Heil, III, sentenced Terry Ross Killion, 43, for committing Aggravated Identity Theft. Judge Heil ordered Killion to serve 24 months imprisonment, followed by one year of supervised release. Additionally, Judge Heil ordered Killion to pay $116,763 in restitution.

In 2019, Killion obtained the identifiers of his deceased friend, Kelly Davis, and began impersonating him. Killion set up several accounts in Davis’s name and contacted the Social Security Administration, claiming to be Kelly Davis. Killion then fraudulently diverted the payments to himself.


Killion will remain in custody pending transfer to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

The Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General – Dallas Kansas City Field Division investigated the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney George Jiang prosecuted the case.


Anonymous said...

Terry Ross Killion, should have gotten more time than 24-months, for stealing someone's identity, plus governmental fraud charges for stealing the money. The sad thing is the Victim, even though deceased, will never get to have their good name restored, because the credit bureaus will maintain all that wrong information forever. I knew an older person that had their identity stolen from their mailbox and spent almost a year trying to get their good name restored, spending hours weekly on the phone with the credit bureaus trying to get the Fraudulent information removed, only for them to pass away before accomplishing the tasks.

Anonymous said...

What a piece of garbage 😠