Monday, January 06, 2025

Neosho man held without bond after allegedly planting camera in underage girl's bedroom

A Neosho man is being held without bond after being charged by the Newton County Prosecuting Attorney's office today with invasion of privacy- victim under 18 years of age, a felony.

Joey D. Brown, 36, allegedly installed a Wi-Fi operated security camera in an underage girl's bedroom, according to the probable cause statement.

On 01/03/2025, a security camera that uses Wi-Fi to transmit video to another source was located in the bedroom of the juvenile victim under the bed facing a full body mirror where the victim frequently gets dressed. 

The suspect Joey Brown admitted to the victim and the victim's mother, he placed the camera there to listen to the victim and victim's sisters' conversations. The camera was focused on the large mirror in the room. 

The camera had the ability to move up and down and side to side using the app. It is estimated the camera has been under the bed for the last 3-4 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Disgusting lock him away for life. Once a sex offender he will always re-offend!

Anonymous said...

Joey D. Brown, another sick pedophile, that should be locked up life.

Be careful who you bring into your life and around your children.

Anonymous said...

Guys PLEASE be careful who you let around your kids. You truly, truly never know. I unfortunately knew this person once upon a time. These offenders can be so unassuming. Keep your guard up, parents.