Saturday, June 13, 2009

Website lists Rogers as Carthage Press publisher

(This post has been amended since its first publication. Additions are in parentheses.)

My understanding is that Rick Rogers has been the publisher of The Carthage Press for quite some time and that Buzz Ball, who was fired earlier this week, was never publisher. (Rogers is regional publisher for Neosho, Carthage, and Aurora, but is not the publisher, per se, at Carthage I have been told.)

Whatever the situation was, Rogers is now listed as publisher on The Press website, and John Hacker is listed as news editor and Kevin McClintock as lifestyles editor for the first time. I am curious as to why the title of lifestyles editor has been restored, when the lifestyles pages were eliminated long ago. Cody Dyer is still listed as sports editor and David Hoover as website manager. (Since I wrote this, Rogers' name has been removed as publisher, an an explanation is offered in the comments section to this post.)


dhoovey said...

I will take the fault on this one. I removed Buzz Ball from the publisher role and plugged in Rick. I have since made the correction to remove a publisher all together. And as for Hacker and Kevin. These are the only spots on the template to put their names. Kevin and Hacker are staff writers. However, I felt it necessary to list their names and contact info on the About Us page. In other words, we can't plug in a title. It is generic. Sorry for the confusion. David Hoover

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that Hoover doesn't have the ability to manipulate the cookie cooker website a little. I've never heard of anything so ridiculous as "we can't plug in a title."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:27 PM: Work in the computer field for a while and you'll hear even more ridiculous things ^_^.

The problem here is that whoever designed this template didn't realize that small/tiny newspapers wouldn't necessarily be organized like their larger breathen (or perhaps started from another template and didn't want to go to the trouble to radically change it). If I had done it there would be a list of suggested and optional titles plus the ability to add others.

Anonymous said...

1. never double check your sources
2. never pass up an opportunity to criticize...makes you look bigger

Randy said...

To the last Anonymous, if you are referring to me, I have to plead guilty. The only place I checked to find out the identity of The Carthage Press publisher was The Carthage Press website. Obviously, that was a serious mistake on my part.

Anonymous said...

No wonder you were let go from the Press, Randy...

Stick to schools