Friday, August 07, 2020

Billy Long: Pelosi and Schumer politicizing pet projects, "defeat Trump at all costs" agenda at expense of the American people

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

As Congressman James Clyburn told his Democrat colleagues, “the Coronavirus bill is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” and boy did they ever hang on his every word. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her troops have consistently thwarted Republicans’ efforts to pass bipartisan relief packages in a timely manner. 

Although the first COVID-19 relief packages were helpful in providing necessary medical supplies to first responders and economic relief to struggling businesses, it is clear that Congress must take additional action in order to help Americans living paycheck to paycheck get back on their feet. 

Republicans recognize the devastating impact this virus has had on our constituents, which is why we have put our political differences aside and have attempted to negotiate deals in good faith with our liberal counterparts; unfortunately, they just don’t seem to share our sentiment and have consistently demonstrated that “compromise” isn’t in their vocabulary. If it could possibly help the President’s standing with the American public, it’s a non-starter for them.

As many Americans continue to suffer, Democrats have rejected every attempt Republicans have made to reach an agreement with little regard for how it’s affecting the American people. 

Secretary Steve Mnuchin and President Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows have met with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Leader Senator Chuck Schumer on multiple occasions in hopes of reaching a deal, yet Pelosi and Schumer have remained committed to their “all or nothing” approach, rejecting the Trump Administration’s proposals and delaying aid to suffering Americans. 

The Speaker recently doubled down, insisting on this massive bill, rather than a targeted approach. On the table is a “take it or leave it” three trillion dollar plus package that the Speaker and her staff put together without consulting with Republicans or even her fellow Democrats. She has even had suggested she would “settle” for the $3.4 trillion bill, as if that would be some sort of compromise.

Aside from the bank-breaking price tag, her wish list proposes giving stimulus checks to illegal immigrants, awarding federal funds to sanctuary cities, and requires a review of ICE detainees so certain illegal immigrants can be released. 

The bill would also federalize our elections, taking the power away from the states, and permits same day voter registration nationwide while preventing states from having voter ID requirements. 

Wasteful and unrelated spending like diversity and inclusion studies, a “soil health” program, and a $40 million U.S. geological survey are just a few of the costly and unrelated proposals on the Speaker’s wish list. 

What it does not include, however, is a second round of the Paycheck Protection Program and it allocates less money to schools than the Republican’s proposal, both of which would be particularly beneficial during a global pandemic.

The unfortunate reality is that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer are holding up federal unemployment money, additional school funding, funding for testing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) unless they can burn cash on their unrelated partisan provisions. 

Democrats have prioritized their partisan pet projects at the expense of the American people and have made it clear that their “defeat Trump at all costs” agenda comes first. 

We have a responsibility to deliver measured relief to the American people quickly, and I intend to continue working with my Republican colleagues to deliver rapid relief to our first responders and struggling Americans through responsible and relevant legislation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Face facts. Half of Americans are below average intelligence. These are the same people voting for Republican politicians like Billy Long who regularly serve up just what these below average intelligence people like to hear.