Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Missouri's Electoral College members cast votes for Donald Trump

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Today, Missouri's Electoral College Members met in the Missouri State Capitol to cast their votes for President and Vice President of the United States. Each of Missouri's ten electors cast their votes unanimously for President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance.

"All Missourians can be confident in the legitimacy of their vote and take pride in the security of our elections here in Missouri," said Governor Parson. "I want to thank all those involved in our elections, including poll workers, electors, county clerks, and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft's Office, for working hard to ensure the will of Missouri voters was heard during our November 5 General Election."

Prior to the meeting, Governor Parson signed the Certificates of Ascertainment certifying an abstract of votes cast during the General Election certified to him from each county in the state of Missouri and certifying that each of Missouri’s electors received votes qualifying them to vote in the Electoral College. These certificates were signed on December 9, attested to by the Secretary of State, and transmitted to the Archivist of the United States.

The meeting of the Electoral College was conducted in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Missouri's members of the Electoral College met in a public meeting in the Senate Lounge at the Missouri State Capitol to cast their votes. The meeting officially began at 2:00 p.m. and was presided over by Office of Administration Commissioner Ken Zellers. Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced the official vote. Members of the media and public were also in attendance.

A recording of the event is available on the State of Missouri's Facebook Page. Photos will be made available on Governor Parson's Flickr page.


Anonymous said...

Trump Won - In the Electoral College and the Popular Vote in the 2024 Elections. This is always going to be a Hard thing for the Democrats to Swallow - because the Truth and Reality is always upsetting to them.

In 2024, Trump finished with the 7th highest share of the vote for an out-of-power party's nominee since 1932. Clearing showing that the Democrats have lost the ability to deliver on a Message, the Economy, Securing the Border, and the Promises that they have made to the American Public. Using East and West Coast - Elitest Liberal Leftists and Paying Hollwood Kingpins, Actors, Rappers, for Endorsements and Associating with them to Buy Votes - did not play well in with the Hardworking Middle Class America and caused Harris to lose all the Swing States. It will take years for the Democrats to figure out all the "Wrong Concepts" they used by Hoping that $1.5 Billion Dollars could be used to Party their way into the White House. The American Voter showed the Democrats that they want Results, they want Ideas / Concepts - Not just Lip, Lies, and Continual False Promises.

Electoral College Vote - 2024 Election
Trump - 312
Harris - 226

Popular Vote - 2024 Election
Trump - 77,266,801 votes (49.9%)
Harris - 74,981,313 votes (48.4%)
Robert Kennedy - 755,122 votes (0.5%) - (Which is a Vote for Trump)

It is important to remember that the President is not chosen by a national popular vote. The Electoral College vote totals determine the winner, not the statistical plurality or majority a candidate may have in the national popular vote totals. Electoral votes are awarded on the basis of the popular vote in each state.

Anonymous said...

Trump won even as the worst of two very flawed candidates by a very ignorant electorate. Deep unrelenting hardship and suffering follows to those who voted for this horrific mistake. Dems had better get their shet together or this country will become a Russian colony. This is a fact to all you rightwing nuts.

Anonymous said...

5:32PM - Is that "Chicken Little", the Sky is Falling the World will not Survive - Oh My? Well, the World did not disintegrate when Trump was in office before - So Calm Down and take some of your Anxiety or Depression Medicine - If anything America will become more Self-Sufficient under a Non-Socialist Leader instead of the Socialistic Attitudes of the Democrats - Biden/Harris/Obama/Clinton - which wanted Bigger Government - to control our Lives - Because they believe the Government Knows Best. Which is Funny because that is what Russia is all about - A Socialistic Democratic Society.

America was founded on being an Independent Country, Less Government, but the Democrats keep wanting to return to a Socialistic Society - Telling everyone what they can and cannot do - Having the Government give all these Social Programs to People and Forcing them to Not Work, because Big Government will take care of you and then Enslaving Generations of People in these Social Programs -

Let's never forget that we are in $37 Trillion Dollars in Debt - and our Education System is a Joke - we are Ranked 13th in the World and Missouri is Ranked 30th in the US. So, the Democrats and their Social Welfare Programs have continued to keep America Down - Instead of embracing Capitalism and Hard Work - We will just Pay People to Stay Home, We will Pay for your Housing, Food, Medical, Education - and give you a Monthly Stipend - No Problem just have more Kids - does that Sound like Socialism - OF COURSE IT DOES - - IT KEEPS PEOPLE ENSLAVED.

Anonymous said...

Being a proud American, you should really learn the rules of capitalization to communicate clearly.

Anonymous said...

Just attempted to read the malarkey of 809 but got a headache by the second paragraph and couldn't finish. Trump didn't win by a popular landslide and will lose his 1% popular support over harris before his "coronation". The authoritarian state has arrived but the majority of us won't stomach it for long as increased inflation, social unrest, and heinous acts of the destruction of democracy will adversely affect us all daily.