Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Blog: How about some civility?

Larry Litle at the Simple Thoughts of a Complex Mind blog offers a plea for a return to civil discourse. Unfortunately, that plea and similar ones made by me and others are unlikely to change a nation which is as polarized as I have ever seen it:

People, it is time to get over yourselves. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean that they want to ruin our country. It does not mean that they are in the pockets of big business or the unions. They are not the anti-Christ because they disagree with you on stimulus, healthcare, or gun control. Maybe we should start to listen to each other with open hearts and hear what people are saying and try to understand why they think what they do. We do not have to agree with them.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Dwight, that is really over the top, even for you.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 7:16 a.m.
wow! looks like it is time for you to have another one of your Prozacs! hope your therapist can help you though this. be calm!

Judi L said...

I read this blog post you refer to, mainly because it is on the list of blogs that NetRightNation claims as one of the "74,000 conservative bloggers" who are working to take our country back...from whatever. I looked around on his blog, and on another one by Presbyterian Ministers, and another by a woman who states openly that she supports Gay Marriage, and I concluded that the massive numbers that the Tea Bagger-Birther-Protester Bunch are claiming are possibly based on incomplete data, if not outright bogus. Something you might want to look into, Randy.