It is easy for Missouri Southern State University President Bruce Speck to warble his "Pink Slip Blues" song. While Speck guts programs that have been key components to the university, he himself is sitting pretty, thanks to the generosity of his benefactor Dwight Douglas and the other members of the Board of Governors.
The Joplin Globe told us of Speck's $180,000 annual salary and his $3,333.33 per month (about $40,000) housing allowance. In the latest edition of the campus newspaper, The Chart, the rest of Speck's perks are outlined in a copy of his contract that was released to the media.
Among those perks:
-Speck is provided with an automobile with all expenses covered, including fully paying for his insurance. (It's hard to get auto insurance these days when you are only making $180,000 a year, and don't have to worry about rent or making mortgage payments.)
-He is reimbursed for entertaining guests at his home, as long as he can connect it in some way to university business.
-All of Speck's dues for membership in country club and Chambers of Commerce are paid for
Let me get this straight- Bruce Speck is getting paid $180,000, $40,000 for housing, gets a free car, with car insurance and expenses paid, gets paid for membership in country clubs and Chambers of Commerce...and he has the nerve to make light of those who are not seated in the lap of luxury?
I thought long ago that when MSSU came under a budget crunch that Dr. Speck should make a sizeable donation to the Missouri Southern Foundation, like the difference between his salary and that of Dr. Leon's during his last year as President. After all, Dr. Leon lived the gracious life, that should have been enough for Dr. Speck too.
All I can say is that we're definitely not getting our money's worth!
It's stunning that this aspect of the story falls in totally deaf ears in this community. It would be one thing for a secretary to be singing this stupid childish song, but for the 180K a year president? With a 40K housing allowance and god knows how many other perks?
It's amazing to me just how low the bar of "professional conduct" is in Joplin. It's an embarrassment, frankly. The only thing one can think is "local yokel network" and "good ol' boys". This crap wouldn't pass muster in a larger and less isolated and provincial (and hence protected) environment.
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