Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Joe Wilson makes a fool of himself during Obama speech

How can we expect people to behave in a dignified manner at town hall meetings when people like Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C. can't even manage to behave respectfully in the hallowed halls of Congress? This portion of the video from tonight's speech shows Wilson calling the president a liar:


Anonymous said...

But Obama is a liar. Essentially Obama-care is about taking away taxpayer dollars for Medicare for older whites and giving it to non-whites and to illegal mexican aliens who Obama will legalize. It involves criminalizing white kids and middle-aged middle-class whites who live healthy lives and don't want to live under government's thumb. In short, it does involve 'death panels' for old whites and enslaving whites in order to give benefits to non-whites who migrate here from the rest of the world.

This congressman simply said that the black emperor has no clothes and big-government liberals like Randy Turner and the rest of the chattering classes are whining about how truth is 'hate speech.' Truth is hate to those, like Turner, who hate the Truth.

Trillions of dollars in printed money wasted in giving Wall Street banksters relief from their gambling debts, trillions of dollars in entitlements being paid while nearly one-fifth of the population is bankrupt and unemployed, and Obama is going to create a new entitlement for non-whites and criminalize what few whites don't want it. Nothing but bigger government at gunpoint until a sort of Afghanistan comes to America, a war of the parasitic against the productive.

We simply can't live in peace with each other for much longer. If nothing else, I'd like to thank Randy Turner for ratcheting up the current civil war on this lying blog of his.

Anonymous said...

What a d-bag.

Anonymous said...

let's get to the point....was the President lying?

Anonymous said...

another point: Have you checked to see how other presidents were booed, hissed and yelled at during speeches at joint sessions....not uncommon at all...

...just don't do it to the current king

Anonymous said...

I see media matters defended outbursts back when Bush was president. Take a look:

Anonymous said...

Obama tells the truth. Republican whack-jobs don't like it. THEY have to lie about death panels and illegal aliens -- always mentioning race somwere along the way -- to justify either their ignorance or, in Joe Wilson's case, their allegiance to big insurance.

The congressman showed exactly what a liars society his group has become. They listen to Rush and Hannity -- both well-known kooks--by day, worship Sarah Palin who open lies about the President's efforts to reform insurance and are totally out of touch with the American people.

Well, except the rubes they pay to stir up trouble -- usually people drawing government benefits who don't want government involved in healthcare.

The President was right: It's time for the bickering to end. I noticed Blunt and Boehner and Co. sat last night looking like someone had poured salt in their Cheerios. Good. The bus is leaving the station and they won't be on it.

America made the right choice last fall. The speech last night -- and the bill under consideration right now proves it.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that the frustration with the constant lies creates the divide that led to this response. It is amazing that no one seemed to mind when the Democrat Senators and Congressmen were calling President Bush all kinds of names.
While the President and Liberals are acusing the Right of distorting the truth, they are the ones distorting the truth. When the President tells the nation that abortions will not be paid for by government (our taxdollars) he is telling a lie. Since it is not specifically mentioned in the amendment, it is automatically covered by a previous law which has been upheld by the supreme court.
So when it comes to misleading the American people, the President and the Liberals have a pretty good lock on the lies!!
ps, wonder what kind of coverage the left media is giving the fact that the conservatives held up their ideas when the President said they were not offering anything?

Anonymous said...

Media Matters doesn't support the booing and hissing, they argue that it happened during Bush 43 and Clinton's addresses equally.

In any case, I don't think people would be that upset about booing or hissing. There's a mountain of difference between that and calling the President a liar during a public speech in the Congress.

Booing and hissing suggests that you don't agree with a person's perspective (though I'd prefer we didn't have that either). Calling the president a liar is a whole different ball game, and in addition it is something that should be far below the dignity of a member of the House.

This should be something we can all agree on regardless of political background, since as Americans we all have a vested interest in maintaining the integrity of our institutions.

Randy said...

I can certainly understand why an unabashed racist like you prefers to remain anonymous. I am not one of those who equates all or even most of the opposition to President Obama to racism, but the two comments you have left certainly put you in that ignorance-filled corner.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the world you vicious evil liberals have created, those of us white men simply dare not show our faces when we show what we really think any more -- until we prevail in the civil war that you, Randy Turner Manson, will make impossible to avoid.

There simply isn't the money to pay for health care given that the Treasury is printing up currency to 'monetize' the debt since the Chinese are no longer buying t-bills. In case you haven't heard, there is not going to be any Social Security increase next year. Tax receipts are down because people lost their jobs. There is no consumer recovery because the consumer is in debt and hunkering down. Obama admitted last week to an additional two trillion in debt.

So why the hurry? Well,you liberals simply cannot wait to chain up the last young whites living outside the system to criminalize them for living free of health insurance while at the same time letting aliens get it for free without paying in. So to do this, Medicaid must be cut, the entitlement for old white folks is to essentially be curtailed, and thus you end up having death panels.

Now the fact that you are simply an evil parasite who in other days would be the one who hid your snout simply means that you think you are on top. And so you are -- for now. You may think you are so very smart because you believe the absurdities written in a liberal social marxian philosophy book, but reality says that 'Obamacare' must be paid for somewhere and the only ones producing anything, now or ever, are white people. And thus the naked Emperor has no clothes, and his entire speech was based upon lies. Thus a few white politicians who know what is happening having a 'Mel Gibson' moment before being forced to cravenly make a pro forma apology.

As it is now, like Obama, illegal aliens won't have to prove that they are citizens before getting medical treatment -- or being allowed to run for public office!!!

But if you want to hear from someone who is using his name, then I think you should pipe in some Flush Rimblow into your classroom so the young skulls full of mush can hear your right-wing analog, Turner. While you are at it, tell these children how and why you support another deduction from their paycheck of around 10-20 percent so that in essence most of them won't have a paycheck to support a white middle-class family but how it is racist to be angry at all this alien offal pouring in swamping them. Show them little nippers your inner& outer Randy Manson Turner.

I like your blog because essentially you tell unwary white people how much you hate them and want them to die in slavery. When you strip away the sanctimony, smarm, and self-serving lies, all that is left of the Turner Report is hatred of white people, White Western Civilization, and evil.

Your blog -- and you still live in a semi-white social order to where you can write whatever you please -- is the commonly held silliness in this Age of Silliness, thus because your kind and associated idiots and imbeciles being on top I must remain concealed for now for my own freedom of belief to not be curtailed by the thought police. But the fact that this Obama-care scheme is going to run amok on the rocks of reality and create a white backlash means that your kind won't be on top forever, leaving you scurrying like rats squealing "how you really meant well after all." You gliberals never ever end up admitting you were wrong when you screw up.

So while you and your kind of gliberal moral imbecile remains on top before the incoming inevitable implosion, why not fly the red flag proudly? I suggest you rename your blog to something more appropriate, like "Randy's Kampf" or "I Gots Das Capital's Trotskys" or "A Chicken In Every Harvey Milk's Pol Pot."

Call me the "White Army Faction"

Randy said...

I have some things I would rather call you, but unlike you I have a modicum of decency.

Anonymous said...

Randy you attack people who sign anonymous....if you had the courage, you would make that impossible....why don't you remove that option and make people sign their names....

you are the guy with the site....quit condemming people who are doing what you make possible.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. He continues to complain and whine about it but allows it to happen. As far as having decency...that statement is comical. Just go back and read your own posts and how you address others. Every time you do that, you do the exact thing you supposedly dislike.